Are you tired of the rat race? Tired of running around in the maze? Do you want to climb over the walls you are trapped inside? Does it feels very hard to se a way out of it? Don´t you think you deserve something better? For you and for your familiy? Here is my get out of the rat race tips that I have found.
First of all I just want to remember you of what a wise man once said: extreme situations needs extreme actions! Why do I say this? Well if you want to get something done in the fastest possible way it requiers you to do it to the extreme ( AND THAT MEANS ALOT).
Ok now to the point :o)
First of all I want you to think about your situation and what it is that you want to change. Then write it all down on a piece of paper.
Maybe your papper would look something like this for example:
- Work with something that I enjoy doing
- Don´t have to obey a boss
- wake up whenever I feel like
- Work whenever I want
- Make more money
- Have more time to do what I really enjoy in life
- etc. etc. etc.
This is just an example but I think that many of you reading this (and many others) would like to achive some or all of the points above.
What if I told you that you can achive all of the above in lets say a year. Would that be a long period of time to commit yourself to something? Is it worth “working” one year to make your “dream” come true?
What if I told you that you can work that whole year with something that you are intrested in doing? Would it feel as work then?
What if I told you that you can choose yourself exactly what it will be that you “work with” all that year?
Well that is EXACTLY what I am going to say! You can decide all by yourself what it is and you also of course decide if you achive all of the points on the list above (or your own list) within that year…maybe you do it faster or maybe you do it slower.. It is all up to you. But one year is a totally reasonable time period to success in what I am going to offer you here!
I want to redirect you in only ONE direction to be honest but when you arrive there it will be many ways to choose.
It is the absolute best advice I can give to anyone looking for a way to escape the “rat race” and what I want to give you is an oppurtunity to do something yourself with your life.
I simply want you to make your own job and work with something that you like doing. And eventually you will make an “passive income” on “auto-pilot” and then you will have time to do THINGS… Whatever things you want to to!
I wish someone gave me the same oppurtunity much earlier than I found it myself but I am so glad I found it at all…
I am totally honest here so do not think this is some bullshit scam… To see if I am lying just check it out yourself…It is FREE to look.
This is the best advice I can give you…Go HERE if you want a way out.
If you have any questions or if you need help just ask me I would love to help you.
Leave a comment below!
Founder of: Start Make Stop Waste
Very intriguing. You definitely captured my attention! You are absolutely right. We all want a way to be our own boss and get out of the rat race. I am like you and am glad I have an opportunity that provides that escape. I now spend my time working on something I love. Writing about my favorite topic all the time. And the bonus is I can take a break whenever I want! That is true freedom.
Thanks Melody! I am glad you liked it! Also very glad that you have the freedom you deserve and not are caught in the rat race!
Thanks for your comment / John
Thank you John,
I kind of feel stuck when I read your post so it comes in the right time. I am also working on building a passive income and being able to achieve more freedom, to be able to quit my day job etc.
Taking my goal seriously, it’s been quite a journey and I have improved quite a bit. But sometimes, like today, I feel really tired and stressed with the day and side project workload combined. Can you tell me what helps to keep you motivated and positive?
Thank you man! Yes it is natural to feel the way you say I think it happens to us all actually but it always gets better.. It is important to know that. I wrote a blog inside that you can find on my profile inside of the community that might help you on the right track.
Here is the link:…d64f2b7
Hope that helps you my friend
Thanks again for your comment / John
Hi John and thanks for a very interesting article. I think everyone is looking for what you’re offering and I hope they will take notice that this is indeed not a scam site. So many people have been bitten and lost money through rogue sites offering wonderful deals but this is the real thing. Having free use of the site before committing and being able to do 2 websites during that free time, is what got my attention. Thanks for the info.
Hi Ches! Glad you liked the post article! Yep I also think pretty much everyone is searching for a way out of the “rat race” but many people have probably been scamed before they find the “real deal”.
So trying something for free as a change I think people can do. And they will get a very possitive aha experience I am sure of :o)
Thanks for your comment / John