Today’s topic is going to be art, or more correct how to sell your art online. This blog post will show you hot to do it in 3 simple steps. To be honest, I haven´t got any experience at all with either creating or selling art in any way. But, I have experience and knowledge on how to sell ANYTHING online.
That is how I make a living. I also help people every day to create their own businesses online, and how to grow them.
So, in other words, I do know some things about selling art online after all when I think about it
Art Is Easy To Sell Online!
Honestly, art is much easier to sell online than offline. Why is art easier to sell online than offline? Well, first of all, you got the biggest market in the world (2,8 billion people are online every day). Your gallery becomes available for the whole world to see!
Also, I get the impression that people who walking in an art gallery (offline), are not typically in a “buying state of mind”. They are more of in a “just looking around” state of mind, and to sell them something will not be very easy, the sale is gonna be difficult to close.
“Cut Out” The Middle Hand!
Another advantage of selling online is that you don´t need to pay the outrageous “cut” that the studio you sell your art in will take for having your stuff there.
So, a good idea to increase your profit would be to not only cut out the middle hand but also connect you and your art to a bigger audience. Not only will the audience be bigger but also more engaged, with their credit cards ready in their hand, looking (searching) to buy art in the first place.
This is exactly the opportunity that the online world presents you, and I am going to show you how.
Ok, how?
You are reading this blog post for one reason. You want to get exposure to your art and you want to make money selling your personal art, right?
I can tell you right away, I am not going to sell your art for you. What I can do is to offer you 3 SIMPLE STEPS you can take to get exposure to your art and I can also give you insight into how you can do, to sell your art online. Sounds good?
3 (Simple) Steps
Step 1: Give Yor Art An Online Gallery (A Website)
The first thing you need is your own website (or a blog).
You need this not only for showing your art but also to be able to communicate and engage with your potential customers. This will also allow you to talk about your art (or the art industry in general). Or whatever interest you might have.
Of Course, this will also be how you sell your art. A website is VERY EASY to get these days. You can get some really good looking websites completely FREE with services like for example.
You can have one that looks like the example below (for example), up and running in 10 minutes from now, literally speaking.
Maybe you like the example above? There are thousands more to choose from, this was just ONE example.
You can get started with your own website right NOW. it is free to get it up and running online. The free website is fully functional and it will also give you access to Wealthy Affiliate, a community FULL of professionals that will train you and help you to promote your art online.
With the small tool below you can start building your website right now, it will also tell you if your free domain name is available.
Or you can also go directly to the website and start to build you BEAUTIFUL looking ART website there!
Step 2: Getting Exposure To Your Art (Traffic To Your Site)
No matter if you have the most beautiful art in the universe, but without people seeing it, there is no chance in the world to be able to sell ANYTHING. You can have the “MONALISA” or a bunch of “PICASSOS” it doesn´t matter, if nobody see them you cannot sell them.
So, what you need is getting traffic (people) to come to your site. So the very first thing you need to do when you have set up your website is to get yourself training on how to get that (traffic to your site).

Every day there is 2,8 billion people from all around the world online!
That is A LOT of people online every day, and the potential is HUGE. You can get amazing exposure for your art online in a way that no studio in the world can compare with.
Your website is gonna be your foundation (studio) for selling your art, the traffic is the audience that buys it.
So where do you get this kind of training? Where can you learn this stuff? If you did set-up a website by now, from Step 1, then you have also granted your access to the Wealthy Affiliate platform and community which is where you are going to get this training.
If you already have a website for your art business and only want the training on how to get traffic to it. Then you can just (also for FREE) sign up directly to the Wealthy Affiliate website.
Step 3: Keep Making Progress With Your Online Art Business (Get Help When You Need It)
What if you could get help from thousands of experts in the subject whenever you need it. What if you could rely on them on ANY question at ANY time about how to promote your art for more exposure (for example)?
This is a reality inside the WA community and also getting help from me personally is a reality. I am a part of the community and you can visit my profile here if you want anytime with any questions you might have. I help people EVERYDAY there with questions they have about their online business.
So please if you got any questions ASK! You can also ask here on this website in the comment section below of course. I would absolutely love to help you to build up a successful website where you sell your art to people around the whole world. I
I look forward to helping you!
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