I came across a YouTube video today with a catchy sales video named 250 Payday. So what is 250 Payday? As good as it sounds? Scam or legit? Why don´t the video explain what there is you are going to sell? How it will work and if you will get all the help you will need to make it happen?
Also the fact that it has 3 different websites as the “homepage” makes me feel very suspicious about this. This short review is going to try to answer those questions.
This short review is going to try to answer those questions. Ok, I might just tell you right away that it is a scam, I will explain why below.
Product: 250 Payday
Website: www.getpaid250.com (and www.250payday.net) (and www.twofiftypayday.net)
Owner: Joshua Joiner
Price: $250 + (upsells)
Who is it for: Uneducated people (at the subject of making money online).
What is 250 Payday About?
The 250 Payday is owned by a young man named Joshua Joiner. He claims that you will start to make $250 commissions many times daily in just a couple of days guaranteed only by joining his program. He do not say anything about how or WHAT you are going to sell to make this money.
The only thing you have to do is to pay the one-time member fee of $250 and you are in.
Hmm… that makes me wonder if it is the program itself you are going to sell? PROBABLY.
Is The 250 Payday A Scam?
To be honest, it smells like scam a mile away! The fact that you can find it on 3 different websites makes my scam alert go of already there. I don´t say the program hasn´t any value at all, it probably have some basic training on how to market products online and so on.
But why pay $250 to get something you can get on other places for free? I know a thing or two about how making money online works. I have also seen a lot of scams, this blog is full of scam reviews… And it really feels like I have heard this story before… Many times.
I have for instance gotten allergic to people showing off money, nice houses with pools and so on. But most of all I am allergic to promises like for example making $250 commissions multiple times a day immediately after joining something… Yeah man! Fo sho fo sho!
No, but seriously, that is FAR from the truth, it is pure bullshit.
And why don´t he give a single clue about what we are gonna sell or how we gonna do it? Because it is a secret maybe?? Or, because wait… Ooooh ahaaa! I know! I know! Because it is a scam!!
I mean a good product don´t need to hide what their benefits are, right? If you go into a computer store and want to try a computer out (for example) do you think you have to pay the price of the computer before you try it? Of course not, and even if it was like that, I don´t think many people would buy the computer if the salesperson in the store refused to say why the computer is so damn good. “You will see when you get home, I won´t tell you why just trust me” Would you trust that? Some people probably would but I really hope you ain´t one of them…
These are the main reasons I suspect the 250 Payday to be nothing more than a big fat scam, sure it might have some value I don´t say anything about that… But many scams have a small value, it doesn´t make them any less the scam anyway.
If you want to learn everything and A LOT MORE of what you will get to know in the 250 Pay Day program, then I strongly suggest you check out the community where me and more than 400,000 members are learning and earning every day.
It won´t happen in your first days, not even in your first weeks, it takes time to set up an money making business online. We are talking months here, but it depends on you also of course, how much time and effort you put in. Some do it faster some do it slower. Making money online is just like any other business or whatever you do in life. Nobody is going to be good at something the first day they try it.
But you can get all the help you need and easy to follow step-by-step instructions if you are ready to do something that is 100% legit for a change, and stop trusting “Internet Gurus” that shows off their cars, houses, money in their hand, etc… Before they scam you.
If you want to learn from the ground and up how it works (without having to pay anything up front) just click the link below.
Learn about how making money online works for $0 FREE by clicking here!
Why You Should/Should Not Buy The 250 Payday?
Sure if you want to make this (obviously) rich guy richer, then go ahead! He will make a lot of money every time someone buys this product, and so will the one who referred you to the program. You can do exactly the same! And you can also choose exactly what you sell, you don´t have to own the things you sell!
I am not joking here, you can start doing this, you can sell anything you want.
It is called affiliate marketing and it is the exact same way that has made many people able to quit their normal 9-5 jobs. It is also the exact same way MANY Internet millionaires are being made.
Take Amazon.com for example, you can sell anything that site has to offer. But that is just an example if you want to know more about this and how YOU can get started for free click here.
Just remember that it won´t make you any money overnight, it requires both some time and effort from your part before the money start coming your way. But on the other hand, big money always take both time and effort… Nothing comes by itself.
I cannot find any reason to trust that this cool dude Joshua Joiner will fix money to you on auto-pilot, there is no reason to waste time and money trusting someone that clearly are lying about the money you will make after joining the program and also don´t tell you what you are going to sell to make this money.
I also highly doubt that you will get any support (of any value) at all from this guy, and a refund if you aren´t satisfied with the product you can most likely forget about.
Please don´t fall for this.
Final Words and Verdict
Verdict: SCAM!
Overall rating: 2/10
Ok, I cannot prove that this is a scam, but a golden rule in this business are very often just like the god old saying in life: If it sounds to good to be true… You know the rest. So scam it is!
Also, no big money is ever made in just a couple of days, I don´t know about you but multiple $250 payments every day sounds like some BIG money to me. Not even I am making those amounts yet, and I have been doing this Internet Marketing thing for soon a year now. Now someone trying to say that I can make that money in just a couple of days? On auto-pilot?
Yeah sure, right after I release Batman and Superman from my basement to save the world from Joker and TwoFace!
It is of course, possible to make those amounts on auto-pilot (and much MORE), but not in a couple of days… You have to put in a lot more effort and time before that will happen.
Stop and think here for a second!
Let us say that it is true that this guy got some kind of secret to making money online that no one else have (including professionals in the business). Why would he share this secret knowledge with you and me?
Don´t you think he got better things to do? Like making money himself for example, and keeping the secret safe? No! He want´s to “help you” because that is the way HE makes money!
I can tell you what will happen when you join. You will get instructions to try to get other people to join the same bullshit you just purchased yourself. There you got the “secret”. That is what the 250 PayDay is all about.
You Are Smarter Than That!
You made a smart choice reading this review and I also believe that you are a smart person. Making money online is of course very possible, and I am not talking about small money either.
But you need to know that this is a very big industry and that the interest for this subject is HUGE. Everybody want´s to know how and find a way, that is also why there are so many scammers around claiming they will make you rich in “no time” and that you don´t have to put in any effort.
All those things are scams, and you probably understand that to deep inside. It can be tempting to try, I know, I have been there too. But that was before I learned how making money online works in reality.
The truth is that nothing comes without both some time and effort, the more the better of course.
If you want to start learning how you can make money online you can immediately get started (for $0 FREE) at the same place where me (and thousands of people) learned how it really works. You WILL get all the help that you ask for in an instant, no question will be left unanswered. Whenever you got questions there will be people there to help.
There is also a pay option to consider later but it is absolutely not necessary, you can start making money with the free membership you don´t need to upgrade. I suggest you try for free first ti see if you like it, and if there is something you feel you could do. I am almost sure you will 🙂
If making money online is what you want this is my absolute #1 recommendation for you. Click the link below for FREE access.
Click Here For Instant $0 FREE access to start LEARNING and EARNING!
I hope this review of 250 Payday was helpful and now you should have a better picture about what it is and what it is all about. Most importantly, why you should avoid it at all costs. Please ask your questions or comments below!
I wish you the best and a lot of success in whatever you choose to do!
Thank you for reading!
Founder of: Start Make Stop Waste
The 250pay to me sounds a lot like a scam. iam very sceptical about this website cause ive been scammed before, so it will never happen again. So after going thru your article on your website it tells me iam doing the wright thing to stay away. Very good you are helping others to stay away from these sort of scams 100% support for you.
Thank you Washington!
You are doing absolutely right staying away from it. It makes me glad that I can help people avoid this (and many other scams).
Its not a scam they have digtal real online products.If people want to join and resale there products they can. And folks i have not taking any sides you must look deep into something before you say its a scam.Doc Rev.
The reason I call 250PayDay a scam has a lot to do with the fact that it guarantees people to start making $250 commissions in a few days after joining and that is not true.
Thank you for your comment. /John
There are so many of these types of programs out there it is mind boggling.
I am very surprised people still buy into these, but I suppose that if you are new to this game and you are desperate to make money, then these parasites can feed you anything.
Well done on a very informative review.
Yes I am surprised too! But in the same time like you say if you are new in the game it can be tempting to join these types of programs.
Thank you for your comment Michel!
Hi John
Thank goodness you are warning people about this scam! Like you mention why doesn’t he provide any information about what you are actually paying for with your money?
I agree if he had such a massive secret to making money online he would first and foremost keep it to himself. Fantastic Review.
Kind Regards
Thank you Michelle! Yes it is really very obvious everything isn´t right with something if you cannot get any info or at least try something out for free before you have to buy into it. That is never a good sign.
Thanks again!
When something smells bad, looks bad, and feels bad.. Well, there’s a good chance it’s s***! I don’t trust it and I think showing multiples bills is offensive and sneaky in the worst possible way. It’s hard to prove, but it’s pretty obvious it’s a scam. Hope not to many people fall for this crap!
You are absolutely right about that Daniel!
Thanks for your comment! /John
Just heard of it, but it does sound like scam to me too. It’s so terrible that there’s just so many scams out there. I agree that it seems that the 25o payday is more for the founder, and not you. Awareness is key to these things so you won’t be a victim. Thank you for exposing what really is kind of obvious.
Thank you Raquel!
It is actually not hard to spot a scam if you know what to look for: http://startmakestopwaste.com/how-to-find-out-if-s…
Hello John, thanks for review of 250 payday loan.
Of course, it is a scam. Why I am so sure about it?
If somebody promises that we will be rich paying $ 250 per program, these owners will be rich , not customers. Imagine if one thousand of people would buy this program?
This guy promoting his program, already has in his pocket one fourth of million if somebody buys his program.
It is a real scam and everybody must run away from it.
Thanks for exposing him, all the best, Nemira.
Thanks Nemira! You are absolutely right about that, if he get´s a thousand people to sign up he will have $250,000! Crazy thought! Glad you liked the post! /John
It sounds good to me. I mean, just by looking at that name it is. I never came across on Youtube by the way I got an invitation from a rev share program I am involved in, so thanks for introducing this John. Appreciate it, buddy!
When I red what is it about on your post, not saying by Rod sounds Dodgy as long as his program is taken. Something wrong here…
I guess only someone’s who doesn’t think twice would fall for his trick. This is quite obvious that it is a scheme.
You made a smart choice investigating before trying, unfortunately, all people don´t do that, they just buy into things. You are absolutely right, there is always need to think twice before buying into stuff, especially if you don´t get any info on it, or get a free trial or something like that.
Thanks for your comment Tar!
Great review! There is no free and quick lunch. We will reap whatever effort we put into a legit affiliate program, Wealthy Affiliate is the one NOT to be missed.
Thank you man! Glad you liked it and I could not agree more with your words!
Hi John,
Thanks for revealing yet another less than stellar offer out there making its rounds on the internet. $250 payday souds like it is exactly that, and I understand you low rating and final rejection of the program.
It makes me so annoyed when these pop up time after time, preying on the unsuspecting people that can least afford to lose their hard earned money! I did take the time to go look at the sites…Your assessment is spot on…
Unfortunately such sites seems to get most of their clients from such people, ones that need extra cash and fast.
These purveyors of scam know the right psychological buttons to push, they know that people WANT to believe that they will get something for free (well not really, they are paying $250!)…
Good job and I hope that many people will do their due diligence before buying this program, and that they check your post out as part of that process!
Thank you Dave! You are absolutely right about that most people who fall for this stuff is the ones who can afford it the least. It is sad, hopefully like you said they do some research before jumping into it! That is my hope and also the reason for this review.
But I know many people will fall for this like you said, psychological buttons are being pushed here, I was once in the situation when I could have fall for this stuff too. When you learn how these things work (like you seem to do) and also how making money online works in general it get´s very obvious, though.
I hope just like you that people do their investigation on not only this, but on all “opportunities” they come across online… I am happy if I can save at least some of them 🙂
Thanks a lot for your comment!
Your review of 250 Payday was indeed very helpful. You have make this site very educational. You can find many of these online scams on the internet but many people are still drawn into the program because of the get rich quick scheme. Hope not too many people fall into the trap. Thank you for sharing the review.
Thank you Wesley! Glad you liked the review and my site in general! 🙂 Yes I know, internet is flooded with scams, they just keep on coming and coming… I gonna try to track down every dingle one of them (impossible) and expose them 🙂 I got a good post for those who want to learn how to spot a scam actually: http://startmakestopwaste.com/how-to-find-out-if-something-is-a-scam
People need to realise that get rich quick schemes don´t exist.
Hi John , that product seems very suspicious ,as you said , 1 mile away.But is he a decent entrepreneur to present himself in a pair of sunglasses?
The claims of making $250 multiple times in a day in this very short period just by promoting that product is totally unrealistic.
So what is his sales policy?…Trust me ,this program works , pay in front and then watch your bank account grow?…
Oh my , another scam for me.And the fact that this product is advertised in 3 different websites ,all with similar names , show that this person is changing domains like socks.I do not trust such dark promotions.
Lol! Yes seems like his sales policy is that 🙂 Just like all the scams out there, you don´t get any info on either what you are going to do or sell… You just gonna make A LOT of money fast and easy without any effort 🙂 It is classic scam tactic all the way through.
If making money didn´t take any effort EVERYBODY would making a lot of money of course. Well you know I know, but it is worth to repeat 🙂
Thanks for your comment Tasos! /John
I am automatically suspicious of any website or video on the Internet claiming to make fast cash. and the video that you are mentioning here is one of the reasons why I do not trust them most of the time haha. a lot of these claims should go into more detail about how this money will be made and how long the process will really take to start making that money.
Good stuff!
You have all the right to be suspicious Chris! 🙂 As soon as you hear fast and a lot of cash in the same sentence it is time to stop listening. Thanks for your comment! /John
This is not a SCAM and obviously all the people on this thread are not making JACK SHIT! I have made thousands with this program and it is a solid way to make a lot of money instead of peanuts. There is a ton of value and you are getting access to top marketers and thousands of dollars of stuff on the back end. People usually say the word SCAM when they don’t know anything about something and automatically call it a SCAM.
Hi there Your Mom! Thanks for your comment, I have been waiting for someone defending this scam:) So you are much appreciated 🙂
So, you have made thousands with this (new) program huh? I have never said that scams can´t make you money, because some of them actually can. But when the sales video claims you will start making $250 commissions in a couple of days, then I call it for what it is… A SCAM. Also, when no free trial or info on what and how is being sold it also ring very BIG SCAM clocks. The promo also claims that you don´t need to recruit anyone to the program…
I am happy for you that you have made thousands with the program… hmm makes me wonder if you are the owner lol!
No, but seriously, congratulations Your Moma! You are probably great at recruiting new members convincing them to join, hope, they at least, get some value for what they have paid in the end… Because making commissions of $250 after a couple of days (I know) is just bullshit, and you know that to.
Thanks for your comment /John
Hey John,
I was actually looking into 250 Payday for a while, but almost everyone who has tried it says it is a scam. When the sales video is in front of a huge house and pool, you can always tell that their product is lacking. It is also a pretty big initial investment to get into the program when you could spend that money on tons of other courses and training on other programs.
Thanks Alex!
Yes people have to learn to avoid videos with pools and houses, it is the nr 2 trick in the scammers book, right after when they tell you it will go fast to make a lot of money without any effort 🙂
I knew this 250 Payday was a scam from the first time, let´s hope people think twice before joining. Thanks for your comment! /John
I agree 250 Payday sounds like an absolute scam. I’m glad there is people like you out there researching scams and sharing their findings. I liked your example of the computer salesman. You wouldn’t do it so don’t do it online. Education is the key so thanks again for sharing.
Thank you Glenn!
Is 250pay day scam? please try and contact me if is not……. +2348162454420
Yes my opinion is that it is a scam.
Hey John,
This is a very well-written review, thanks for sharing this with me. I’ve been curious on how good this program is for a while now but was too afraid to give it a try.
Your review is very timely, I really hate scammers like this who give you unrealistic expectations just to get to your pocket. I hope many people can save up their time and money after reading your review. Keep up the good work!
Thank you Riaz!
Hi John,
I have seen a lot of these make money quick schemes. I visited this “250 Payday” website, and it was kinda funny to me how the guy randomly started to count money. Payment proof is suppose to be a way to become more “trustworthy”. However, now a days whenever I see one of those payment proof, I laugh a little.
I have just started to do some internet marketing myself. You are probably much much more experienced. As a new starter to this field, I was wondering what are your opinions on FreshWebStore? It seems like they offer decent service and have quite a few members. I looked through your other articles and failed to find something related to that site.
Thank you for writing this great article. It was very helpful! Keep up the good work!
Thank you Yucai! Glad you liked the review 🙂 Lol! Yes when people start to count money in the camera I tend to start laughing a little also 🙂 Aha, that´s great that you are starting with Internet marketing, GREAT choice! I actually haven´t heard about the FreshWebStore, but now when I read your comment I made a little quick research on it, it seems to be a product built for people that want to build an ecommerce style stores… If that is something you are interested in you can also check out Big Commerce, Shopify and Volusion. They have a little different features so check out all 3 to see which one is best for you.
For Internet marketing in general, and everything that involves it you will learn best at the place where I hang out the most, read this: http://bit.ly/1RGtNVW
Thank you for your comment Yucai and good luck with whatever you decide to go with.
Best regards
Yes, I’m sure I have seen this one before under a very slightly different name, but still with the number 250 in it. I’m pretty sure there is nothing to it other than once you sign up you get an affiliate link and pursuade other people to sign up. So the “no recruiting needed” line is a lie. Unless of course they advertise your affiliate links for you. That might be how it works. Maybe they pay for Facebook or Google PPC ads, and use the affilliate links of those who have signed up. But in the end they make a profit because they make more money from each person paying $250 than they pay out in ad costs. It’s just an educated guess, though. What do you think?
Thank you Marcus, for your comment and thoughts on this. The scenario you describe could be the case, you are right about that. If it is then it requires you to put a lot of trust in the program. I mean, do they promote your link like it would be their own?? Wouldn´t you want to have full control over this yourself? I know I would and I am sure you would that too.
Better to learn how to do ppc on your own in my (humble) opinion.
Thanks again Marcus!
/Best regards
Hey John,
You are absolutely right man. I’ve noticed too that a lot of these scams tell you how something is so great but they don’t even tell you what the hell the product is. It really does scream scam when you can’t even tell me about your product.
I had the exact same experience when I sat in on an Amway presentation. Not saying that it is necessarily a scam, but if the product is so great, wouldn’t you want to start by talking first about the product?
Great post man, keep up the good work.
exactly! Thank you for your comment man!