This review is going to be about Fiddy Share. What is Fiddy Share? Is it a scam or a legit opportunity? Can you really make those amounts as the Fiddy Share site claims? These are some of the questions this short review will focus on. Ok, here we go!
Product: Fiddy Share
Owner: Frederick Spears (probably fake name)
Price: $50 and most likely some upsells after that.
Who is it for: Nobody
Fiddy Share is a website that is being promoted (or spammed) on mainly Facebook. It claims that you will earn $50 for every time someone click on your promotion link that Fiddy Share will provide you with as soon as you pay $50 yourself. You will also get a marketing “tool kit” for that price.
Fiddy Share is licensed and registered under the “I Wanna Be Rich™ company”.
Sounds like a legit site, NOT!
How Does It Work?
You pay $50 and get a link, that link you will then get told to share on as many places you want, the more the better. That is another word for spamming and not a recommended marketing tactic, just ask any serious internet marketer.
The $50 price will almost immediately turn into a so-called “upsell” you will (most likely) get an “offer” of how to make even more money if you only buy the “extra secret training” that will make you rich or something like that.
Nothing new under the sun.
So, is Fiddy Share a scam? Yes, it is a scam and I will explain why.
One of the most ridiculous, claims (pure bullshit) I saw on the Fiddy Share website was the “leader board” with so-called users. One of them had made 2,5 million dollars his first month! LOL! That is obviously fake users and an obvious scam sign.
The claims that the Fiddy Share site uses, pay their members $50 per click or even earn $1000 every 5 minutes. That is just insane and ridiculous. Do you really think you can make those amounts of money? Well, I do. But not from something like Fiddy Share 🙂
The owner Frederick Spears (if that is his real name) claims he makes money from advertisement, on the Fiddy Share website. With that money, he later pays his members.
The problem here is that there is no advertisement company that pays those amounts of money per click. Not even the biggest one (Adsense) that is owned by Google.
So how is this “F Spears” guy going to be able to pay you $50 per click?? The answer to that is simple: He is NOT going to.
How This Fake Character Makes Money?
What the owner wants here is you to advertise his site and bring people to it, and that way he will make money on the ones who buy into this bullshit.
It is always the complete uneducated on the subject of making money online that falls for this type of scam.
It is nothing to be ashamed of, if you don´t know how making money online works it probably depends on the fact that you haven´t gotten the right education, I was in the exact same position myself not many years ago. I have fallen for scams like this one more than once until I figured out how making money online really works.
How I figured it out? I got the right training and support from real pros. If you are interested in the same training you can actually check it out for free and even get started and make money without having to pay a single dollar.
Click here if you are interested to read more how.
Final Words and Verdict
Verdict: SCAM!
Overall rating: 0/10
This is a classic pure crystal clear scam folks. Please do not fall for this type of nonsense you won´t make any money from Fiddy Share, the only one who will make money is Frederick Spears or whatever his/hers name is. If you want to make him rich then go ahead 🙂 I know that is not a reason you want to join something like that.
If you want to make him rich then go ahead 🙂 I know that is not a reason you want to join something like that.
Why not make your own website and drive traffic to that one instead of driving traffic to this fake guys scam site? Wouldn´t it feel better to drive people to something that you can stand behind, something that you believe in? Whatever you want to drive traffic to you are first of all going to need to know how to do it and trust me, Fiddy Share is not going to teach you how.
It is actually not hard to drive traffic to a site, you do it best (in my opinion) by using so-called keywords. I like that method because it is free and if you do it right you can get a TON of traffic for free.
Interested to learn it? And how to build a website in a couple of minutes and MUCH more? Then click the link below to read how.
I hope you found this short review of Fiddy Share to be helpful and now you should have a better understanding on what it is. If you have tried it yourself please share your experience with us in the comment section. It can help others to avoid it. Also, if you got any questions about this review I will be more than happy to answer them below.
I wish you success!
Thanks for reading
Owner of:
Thanks for your thorough review on the Fiddy Share program. Certainly sounds like something to steer away from. There are so many programs that are an out and out money grab with no value for the member.
Making money online takes knowledge, time, and effort. Having a system with good quality training is the way to go.
Thanks for your comment
/Best regards
So is it really scam John?
Well, let’s just say I would not recommend it.
I have also lost Rs. 3000. I request him to pay back the money. But no use
First of all, thank you for your comment.
Sorry to hear about your loss, very good that you share your experience though as it will help others!
Thank you again for your comment!