Today Get Paid Playing Games is up for a closer look. What is Get Paid Playing Games? A scam or a legit opportunity? Something for you or not? Can you make a lot of Money? These are some of the questions this Review will focus on. Ok, here we go!
Product: Get Paid Playing Games
Owner: ?
Price: $125 to get started (monthly recurring)
Who is it for: MLM enthusiasts (people good at recruiting others)
From the progress of time, games are the slice of human life. But with the advancement in technology the face of the games is varying constantly. People mostly play games to enliven themselves from their tough routines. You can see that games are played on the professional level in the world. Sports keep a person healthy. There are millions of type of games in the world but here we are particularly talking about online games and the one’s you can play on your devices to revive your mind out of the hard sequences. What if you make your interest of playing online games a profession?
What if you could get paid for doing what you do? Can that really be possible?
What is Get Paid Playing Games about?
Play Games Get Paid is an online website which provides its online users opportunities to play online games and get paid. A lot of people play games on the internet as a relaxation to them, so play games get paid provides such type of persons a platform to be professionals and use their experience and hobby to get good money for them.
According to the site statistics the site is supervised by the skilled persons and also supported by experienced experts. They give you full support on the site. It’s all about making good money doing what you like to do.
Just by visiting the site you can see that the games available on their site are very informal and interesting to play. You can be a master of any game by just giving a little time and then the money rolls in. It has just been one year of the foundation of this site and it has risen to a level that many others can’t achieve. People all around the world are giving this site much love and its visitors are increasing on daily basis.
This site invests money into many important channels and opportunities. According to site statistics, they fund the money on different merchandises, portfolio projects and advertising systems by a cooperative systems and the entire operation is administered by experienced experts.
How Does It Work?
The buy in is $125 to become a game ambassador. And that fee is recurring. If you get 3 people to join as a,bassadors under you, you earn a $250 bonus plus $5 a day residual income so that’s $150 a month.
If they go out and get 3 and you earn a $750 bonus and $10 residual a day and $300 a month. They go out and get 3 and you get a $1250 bonus and $20 a day and earn $600 a month in residual, and it keeps going up.
It’s a 3×14 forced matrix so once you qualify with 3 people, everyone over and above spills over into your downline and counts towards their volume
You also earn from your downline getting their bonuses. And if you bring in a fourth person who builds the matrix, you get another $100
I guess you hear that this is a pyramid structured business, right?
**IMPORTANT** If you are tired of MLM´s (pyramid schemes) then I strongly suggest you to check this opportunity out instead <==
Can you make GOOD money with it?
You can find so many sites on the internet offering you get paid by playing games or doing stuff for them. But most of them are just a waste of time and you get nothing out of it. But play games get paid is all about good money so that people playing games on it do not feel like they are wasting time here. We are present here to keep ourselves and our customers getting paid. We have set a network which makes the flow of money going on regularly. As soon as you become the regular visitor of the site you get to know that you are at the right place to use your hobby and talent to earn money.
Important things about the site
Important things to mention here about the site are that the site is hosted in United States by liquid web and its owners are also located in United States. It is a private organization who hosts this site. You can get help from the makers of the site anytime. The webmasters who created it can be contacted at This website has thousands of visitors every month and it has a very good rating at Alexa. The site is almost absent on social networks though. The site includes a family safe text filter also. The domain was purchased through
Is Play Games Get Paid a scam?
I am sre mny people would call this a scam, why? Well, it is a pyramid scheme, that is enough for many people.. and I can almost understand them. However, as long as you know what you are getting into I would call it legit.
The internet is not a small world and it is filled with a pile of scams and with the websites with fake promises and fake policies and they steal one’s life savings. You should be careful of such scams. Such goons can be easily recognized on the internet because of certain obvious reasons. Obviously such sites don’t have trustworthy sources. As compared to them Play Games Get Paid always speaks about credibility of the visitors before doing business with them. Play Games Get Paid has given you every bit of detail about them. While, the scams always try to hide their identity so that they can steal from people. They are giving you a reason that is considerable for visiting them.
Why you should\should not visit Play Games Get Paid
It is obvious that whenever a person thinks of getting an online job he always thinks that he should not end up with scams and with those who just wastes his time and he gets nothing out it.
In one year of service Play Games Get Paid has proved that people are actually making good money on it. There is no waste of time. It is very interesting and you don’t get bore which is a plus point because all over the world whenever you do a job you just get bore of it. But we all know that playing games is fun.
Play Games Get Paid takes good care of its visitors. Anyone who comes there gets something out it. This is the reason you should visit them. Doing a job getting bored? Tired of studies? Could not pass your time? Could not get a job? What are you waiting for? You are just a click away from getting all the excitement and all the money you want.
That sounds pretty intresting if you ask me 🙂 I know I will try it 🙂
**If you want to create your own (NON MLM business instead) click here<==
Final Words And Verdict
Verdict: Legit! (but not recommended!)
Overall rating: 5/10
From the very start, the name of the organization gives you a better idea that what you might be getting while visiting them.
Playing games for money is always a fun. You can win good money it’s all about how much effort you put in it.
Howevr, it is a pyramid, and those I pretty much never recommend. It is for some people but most of us ain´t made for that.
They have given all the details about them so they are trustworthy to do a job with them. They give you a full support and 24/7 service to contact with them anytime about anything. They are always awake to the inquiries give their visitors a feeling of trust.
Taking in account all such things about them I can rate them 5/10 in such sites.
If You Want To Make A Living Online Read This!
Anybody can make a living online, yes that includes YOU. No matter if you got any computer skills or not. It is not about that. What is it about then? First, you have to find out how to do it, you have to learn. Then you need to put in the effort and have patience.
That´s it!
It migh sound easy? Well, it is not but in the same time it is. Not many people got the mind set of working on something for months without getting paid…everybody want fast results and shortcuts.. That DO NOT exist.
Did I mention that you can actually start your full-time business around any interest you might have?
Click here to read about where you can start!
Hope you found this Review on Get Paid Playing Games to b helpful and now you should have a better understanding about what it is and if it is something for you or not. If you have tried it please leave your experience in the comment section below, it can help others making the right decision. Also, if you got any questions about this Review I will be more than happy to answer them below.
Guest writer on:
I must admit, I am very skeptical of pyramid schemes like this. I’m rather surprised you didn’t label it as a scam, Dave. Personally, I would call all pyramid schemes a scam because ultimately they won’t be able to sustain themselves. If everyone who is a member of Get Paid Playing Games refers 3 other people, who each refer 3 other people, and so on, very soon there will not be enough new people to join, so the later joiners will not be able to earn money by referring people. That’s what makes a pyramid scheme so bad.
To be honest I have to agree with you on that, that is also why I never recommend pyramid schemes. If it is enough to call it a scam I am not so sure of…
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