Today we will review the brand new site named PayEne. What is PayEne? A Scam or not? Can you make money from it? These are some of the questions this short review will focus on. Ok, here we go!
Product: PayEne
Owner: Not mentioned on the site (VERY bad sign!)
Price: Minimum deposit is $10
Who is it for: People looking to invest
Overall rating: (0.1 / 5)
What is PayEne about?
Ok, a unrealistic return on your deposit investment in a unrealistic short amount of time. It feels pretty safe to say that this “investment opportunity” is nothing more than another Hyip program.
A nice design website with a photo of a model doesn´t make a site legit, it don´t cost much to have a nice design made for you, it isn´t even hard to do it yourself.
How does it work?
As always with this kind of scam sites, yes I said it. You make a deposit, then you wait for the required time period (in this case 40 days) before you can make your withdrawal… IF you can make a withdrawal…
Can you make money from it?
Yes it is possible but it can also be NOT possible. It all depends…
In short.
The answer to this question is: it depends how long the “site/program” will survive.
No owner?
Ony the fact that this crap doesn´t even have an owner is good enough reason to stay far away from it, scam sites pretty much never have real owners, instead they hide behind fake names, fake photos, etc.
In this case, there is no owner mentioned at all 🙂
Is PayEne a Scam?
So, is PayEne a scam or not? I would absolutely call this a scam, a Hyip and Ponzi scam to be correct. Some people are ok with joining these (high risk of loosing it all) sites and ok fine. However, PayEne is NOT transparent about that they (most likely) are a Hyip program.
I mean if they wasn´t how the h**l can they “guarantee” that you will make a 180% return in exactly 40 days?? A real legit investment opportunity can never guarantee the exact returns in an exact time period…
How this kind of scam work?
This is actually a very simple process. The way this scam works is like this:
The money comming in from new members joining and making deposits are the same money that will be used to pay out the members that has been active a longer period of time…
That´s it! That is exactly how it works.
This means that the program will work for a while IF there is alot of new members joining, if there is more money going out than comming into the “money sharing pool” NOBODY will get paid.
What usually happens then is that the mysterious owner of the program will make a runner with the money left inside the program and the site will after a while not even be available… And your money is lost forever.
How can this be legal? (Well maybe due to this text)
That is really the best question. I guess there are way to protect with “small text”, just look at their “terms of use page” there you can find texts that SHOULD make you think twice and twice again if you plan to join.
Past performance??? The program opened up 4 days ago! Lol!
Rights to change the rules and rates at any time?? I guess they WILL do it when it suits the “mysterious owner”
Why You Should (or should NOT) join Payene?
I cannot see any reason for you to join this bullshit if you aren´t a “super risk taker” that got so much money that you don´t know what to do with it 🙂
Final words and verdict on Payene
Verdict: Scam!
Overall rating: (0.1 / 5)
This is in my opinion a scam, and also the worst kind of scam. It comes out as something legit, it is not even mentioned on their site that it is a Hyip program. The sad thing is that these nonsense “investment sites” just keep coming, the reason for that is that people are always looking for shortcuts and quick bucks.
If you want to be a part of the solution and stop this nonsense read below.
Start with legit investments instead
You need to know that there are of course legit investment opportunities out there also, the return rates might seem “boring” if you compare to the scam investment sites return rates but I am sure you will find it more joyful when you are able to cash out your money without any problems instead 🙂
Click here to look at different legit investments
I hope you found this short review of PayEne to be helpful and now you should have a better understanding about what it is all about. If you are an active member of it please share your experience below. Also, if you got any questions about this review I will be more than happy to answer them below.
I wish you the best!
Founder of: $tartMake$
Hey john,
Unfortunately there are a lot of those sites out there! Ticks me off royally to be honest. I hope this reaches the screens of many pcs, macs, tablets, phones as it can.
Do they have a way to be contacted if you have any questions? If not that’s Another red flag that pops up.
It’s also very important to read the fine print. My motto is walk away from deals with fine print.
I wanna do like a scam buster program. Expose scammers for all that they are.
But like I was told scammers run the world! Do you believe so John?
Ticks me off also Shannon…
They claim to have a 24/7 live chat support but when I tried to reach it there was just a contact form… Anyways
You might be right about that scammers rule the world, however that is a bigger reason than ever to start exposing every single one of them and stop this nonsense…
/Thanks for your comment and support