Today Profit Maximizer is up for a closer look. What is Profit Maximizer? A scam or a legit opportunity? I am so tired of these type of scams and today I will show the tactic used to market this scam so we can shut up anyone trying to promote it!
Product: Profit Maximizer
Owner: “James Forley” (Fake Name)
Price: Claims to be free but in reality it requires a minimum deposit of $250
Who is it for: Nobody
What is Profit Maximizer about?
Profit Maximizer is an auto binary options trading software. According to the Profit Maximizer website it is a system based on a secret loophole in binary options. You don´t need any experience at all as the program will do everything for you on auto-pilot. It is absolutely free and you will, of course, get rich fast.
What is it in reality?
In reality, it is not free, it requires a minimum of $250 to use it, money that you will (most likely) lose and never see again. It is simply just another one of those scams that telling you that you will get rich without having to put in any effort.
Is Profit Maximizer A Scam?
So, is Profit Maximizer a scam? You bet it is!
Well, first of all, there is no “hidden secret loophole” program that will make you rich on auto-pilot.
There is also other obvious scam signs such as:
- fake testimonials
- fake owner
- fake earning claims
- classic scam marketing tactics
- etc
Fake Testimonials
If you want someone to record a fake testimonial for you, then you just visit for example and hire one (of MANY) actors that do it for you for $5. Yes, I know it is crazy but that is how things like this work. You can see for yourself here.
Fake Earnings
This you can get help with on the Fiverr site also, you hire someone to photoshop a fake bank account amount, this is no rocket science.
Classic Scam Tactics
I have seen a lot of scams like this one, they pretty much use the same tactic every time. I talk about the claims like “this is not like any other scams” when in fact it is exactly the same bullshit.
The tactic of make you think you have to act fast (before you can think things through) is also a popular scam tactic. They show some kind of countdown (or spots left), in this case, it is only 100 spots left 🙂 Try refreshing the page and the spots will be filled up again 🙂
Another “smart” thing they do, (that I also have seen a couple of times) is that they give you a “moral ultimatum” and that is when “the voice” in the promo tells you:
“This is like free money, you might wonder why I give this to you? There is only 1 catch, as soon as you make your first million dollars, you have to donate $1,000 to charity, of your choice”
If you are not ready to donate that amount you are told to get out from his page 🙂
This is to make it additional “trustworthy” so you think that the one behind this scam got good intentions and so you understand why he give away this “secret” for free 🙂
Are you getting the point here?
Fake Owner
Who the hell is James Forley? We never see his face and that is a good reason for that. Scammers never use their real identity and they pretty much always use fake names. Nothing new under the sun here. This is all so fake.
How This Fake Character Make Money?
This is actually not a complicated process at all. The one who brings this program to you will get a big commission from every person that make a deposit to the broker. He (Mr x) gets a part of the money and the broker gets a part, they are happy and you are scammed.
Think if he gets thousands of people to make deposits? (There is a BIG risk he does), think how much money he will make, it will add up to millions my friend…
You can do the same!
You can actually do exactly the same as he does, but you don´t have to scam people and lie. Instead, you can sell things that people are looking for in the first place, you DO NOT have to own the things you sell. Did you know that you can sell pretty much anything you want online? Take Amazon, for example, you can sell anything that they got to offer.
This is exactly the same way as Internet millionaires are beeing made. If you want to read more about how you can start doing the same click here.
Final Words and Verdict
Verdict: SCAM!
Overall rating: 0/10
I think I have made my point pretty clear on this one. Profit Maximizer is a scam and the worst kind of scam, nothing is real about this site it is all just FAKE.
If you want to help the scammer get richer go ahead and try it, I know you don´t want to do that so I suggest you stay as far away from this scam as you can.
If trading is something you want to do then you need to find a legit platform, there is still never going to be any guarantee that you will make money but at least you aren´t getting lied too.
One that I know is legit and also got a demo test account that you can practice with before investing your own money is AvaTrade so if you are interested check that one out.
My Best Recommendation If You Want To Make Money Online
It is not easy to find legit opportunities online, it is actually the opposite. It is hard because internet is flooded with scams.
What you need to understand is that there is no “magic” program that will make you rich without you having to put in any effort or time on it. If you understand that you have come a long way already.
Next thing you should do is to educate yourself on the subject and get training.
You can always go to a school and take classes on the subject but that isn´t going to be cheap.
What I would recommend is that you find an “online university” or more correct a training program that will teach you all about it.
There are some sites that I know works, some cheap and some VERY overpriced. I recommend you take a cheap (and good one) and stick to that one. Jumping from program to program ain´t going to lead nowhere. Instead, you pick one and follow the step-by-step instructions.
The absolute best one I can recommend and that I know works is Wealthy Affiliate. It is even $0 free to get started and you can stay as a free member for as long as you want.
There is of course also a premium membership to consider if you are going to be really serious about it but that is up to you. You can stay a free member for as long as you want and I recommend that you first try it as a free member to see if it is something you could see yourself doing.
Click Here To Read More About It!
I hope you liked this short review of the Profit Maximizer and found it helpful. Now you should know what it is and what it is all about. If you have tried it please share your experience with us in the comment section below. Also if you got any questions about this review I will be more than happy to answer them.
I wish you success!
Thanks for reading
Owner of:
I’ve been actively looking for a way to make a secondary income online and I thought that the Profit Maximizer would be it for me. However, after reading your review I have grown quite skeptical. You’ve exposed this system as nothing but a scam and I greatly appreciate it. You have saved me lots of time and potential money on something that wouldn’t bring me any benefit. Thank you.
Thank you! Glad to hear that!