What is The Real Dream Maker? It is a binary options autopilot trading software that promises that it will make you rich… I am so tired of this kind of scams and today I am going to uncover how and why they exist.
I will also give you real options on how you really can make money online. Ok, here we go with this short review.
Product: The Real Dream Maker
Website: http://ww3.therealdreammaker.com
Owner: Unknown ? (never a good sign)
Price: Claims to be free but requires a minimum deposit of $325 as soon as you sign up
Who is it for: People who want to make money on autopilot trading binary options.
Important to mention!
Before we go into this review you have to know that “programs” like the Real Dream Maker are NOT a safe and solid way to make money online. There is no secret program that will win trades for you.
If you want to try trading with a free demo account click here and check this out instead <=====
What is The Real Dream Maker about then?
The Real Dream Maker is simply just another binary options software that will do trades for you on autopilot, and make you rich in no time. The “voice” in the promo video also claims that you do not need any former experience at all, you can just sit back and watch the money coming in…This is a limited offer, only available for a limited amount of time…
It is also free to try, BUT as soon as you have signed up your only choice will be to make a deposit…
Wow! same old story as always!
You have to know, that in fact every single binary options software that claims to make you rich (There are thousands online) and trade for you on autopilot has FAILED.
It does not exist such a “super program”. PERIOD.
I guess this is a good time to bring up the good old saying: If it sounds to good to be true it is. This is really so fake and it is very obvious that it is.

Please let me show you how everything works in the scam industry and how you can avoid being another “victim” in the statistics.
Who is this Marcus?
In the promo, the voice claims that you maybe have heard of Marcus who is a famous guy?? I have never heard of him, have you? Maybe it would be easier to remember if we could see a photo or a video of the guy, but no we don´t get to see who this “famous” guy is…
Why not? Ohh ohh! I know because it is a scam and he do not exist!
Any person who have a good product also stands behind their product, they are proud of it and does not need to hide.
I have reviewed many online scams, and the scammers almost always use fake names and hide their true identity. The ones with legit products don´t.
In the screenshot below, from The Real Dream Maker promo video we get presented to the famous (and mysterious) “Marcus”
Click here to see this fake video with fake promises talking about (obviously) fake persons.
How this kind of scam works
Every time that this John Doe fools anyone to sign up and deposit money to the Real Dream Maker scam he gets a percent of the amount (somewhere around 20-50%) the rest of the money goes to the broker company. It might maybe not sound as a lot but if he get thousands of people to belive they will get rich and pay for the system… That my friend adds up to millions. You can also do the same!
You can do exactly the same!
It is called affiliate marketing, and the good news is that you can make money exactly the same way. But you do not have to lie to people about what you sell, instead you can sell (or promote) what people searching for and want in the first place. You also do not have to own the things you “sell”, there is literally thousands of products to promote online. One example would be to promote anything on Amazon.com or Aliexpress.com just to name a few. If you want to know more, and how YOU can start doing this then
One example would be to promote anything on Amazon.com or Aliexpress.com just to name a few. If you want to know more, and how YOU can start doing this then click here.
Final Words and Verdict
Verdict: Scam!
Overall rating: 1/10
So why is The Real Dream Maker a scam?
The Real Dream Maker is a scam, there is absolutely no doubt about that. I have seen that most reviews on this fake product has a lot of positive reviews but do not trust them, believe me they work as affiliates to The Real Dream Maker and will get commissions for each and every one that signs up through them… Trust me that is the only reason they talk positive about the software.
Stop and think for a second!
You have made a good choice reading this review.
Do you really think someone would give you a “super” software that will make you rich for
free, just like that? Without charging for it? Without you having to do anything?
Don´t you think they have better things to do?
Like making money themselves for example??
You probably understand how strange that sounds, right?
All products online that claims that you will get rich fast and super easy without you having to put in time or effort are always scams!
Trading with binary options can, of course, make you money but it is a lot like gambling… You just never know. Also, just like gambling, there is no magic trick or software to win all the time, if someone says that, they are full of shit.
You are a smart person and you made a smart choice reading this review, you and me both know that nothing on planet earth works like that… You will always have to put in some time and effort to see results in anything… Not only in making money online.
There are legit products online but they are very hard to find in “the jungle of scams”
I have a few legit ones listed on this site, with real owners and free trials. All of them work as long as you stick to the training. But you have to stop looking for “quick money schedules” because that is not how it works in reality. It always takes time and effort before you will see any money coming in.
Click here for my top 5 list of real and solid ways to make money online
I hope this review of The Real Dream Maker was helpful and now you hopefully know what it is all about. If you have tried it please tell us about your experience in the comment section below! It can help others to avoid this dream maker scam. Also if you have any questions on this review just ask!
I wish you the best and a lot of success!
Founder of: Start Make Stop Waste
nice write up on the scam post THE REAL DREAM MAKER . I don’t think I would have given the 1 /10 rating. iF ANYTHING IS HIDDEN OR NO PICTURE OF THE PROGRAM. I don’t purchase anyway. Most of the time you may get a free trial but they hit that plastic card first. A lot of programs such as this one gets by with it as a newbie does not know the difference and thinks this will help them out . Never fall for this scam.
Nice layout of the post and well written with a lot of the information .
Thanks Brenda! Glad you liked it! Haha maybe I change to a 0/10 in rating later… You wont get a free trial with this..
Every time I hear about those autopilot binary options money making opportunities I think it is a scam right away. I never heard of the real dream maker anyway. I am glad their are people like you who just kill all the scams out there. A lot of people are looking for ways to make money. But they want it the easy way and fast…I mean who don’t, but when they offer things like that you have to think that it may be to good to be true.
It is nothing to be sad about that you haven´t heard about it before :o) Thanks for your comment man!