I found something very interesting the other day, I found something named Writing Jobs Online. What is Writing Jobs Online? A scam or a legit opportunity to make money by simply writing? Can anyone do it and can you really make the amounts of money that the website indicates that you can?
Those are some of the questions that this short review is going to try answering. Ok, here we go!
Product: Writing Jobs Online
Website: www.writing-jobs.net
Owner: ? (not a good sign)
Price: $1 for 1week trial, after that it costs $47 a month
Who is it for: People who like to write and want to make money doing it online
What is Writing Jobs Online about?
The Writing Jobs Online website is a place where freelancers can find a ton of different writing jobs. Here anyone even (inexperienced writers) can start to work, doing many different writing jobs. Some examples of jobs is writing content for blog sites, ebooks, books, websites, magazines, etc.
How Does It Work?
In simple words it works like this:
- You choose a job
- You submit your work
- You get paid
The reason you have to pay a monthly fee is because the Writing Jobs Online site don´t take a 20% “cut” of your earnings like most freelance websites does. So if you (for example) make $1000 per month you will receive all of it, instead of $800 like you would on other similar websites.
Payment is received 2 times a month. On the 15th and on the last day of the month.
Can Anybody Really Do This?
So, can anybody try this opportunity? Even if you live outside of the US? Well, all countries ain´t allowed unfortunately but there are 150+ countries allowed so there might be a chance that you can try if you are interested.
How Much Money Can You Make?
The freelancing world online for a writer is not an easy one to make a living with, usually, if you don´t get hired full time by some employer you will have a hard time making enough to replace your 9-5 job.
According to their website (writing-jobs.net) they connect you with the highest paying companies in the world for this kind of job.
Above you see a screenshot from the Writing Jobs Online website where they show you some of the companies they will connect you with.
Bold claim: You can earn up to $50 per article, between $500-$1,000 for short ebooks.
The Writing Jobs Online website claims that you can make between $500-$5,000 every month!
Sounds a little too good to be true if you ask me…
One thing I do know though and that is that there is absolutely no limit on how much you can earn if you write for yourself… What do I mean with that? Well, what I mean is that you can start your own online business and write about absolutely ANYTHING that you want and make a full-time living out of that (and you can scale such a business as much as you want), it is nothing that happens overnight though, it takes both time and effort, however if you like to write:
then this will be perfect for you <==
Is Writing Jobs Online A Scam?
I can either say that it is a scam or if it is legit. But, I strongly suspect that it is a scam, but I also think in the same way that it is possible. Maybe you have tried it? Would love to hear about your experience in the comment section.
One positive thing that indicates that it can actually be legit is the fact that it uses PayPal to pay you your earnings as an alternative. PayPal got strict rules on who they accept as partners so that is a good sign.
However, the Writing Jobs Online website is a Clickbank product, that means that if you try it you got a 60 days money back guarantee. So if you really are interested in this you can try it out without taking any risk losing your money.
Worth to menton is that you can always get your money back from purchases you make with Paypal.
Why You Should/Should Not Try Writing Jobs Online
If you like to write and this sounds like exactly what you are looking for (I understand if you do) then I would say go for it, give it a try!
Try it out, if you don´t like it or if the site can´t keep what it promise just cancel your membership and get your money back.
Final Words and Verdict
Verdict: Legit (for now)
Overall rating: 5/10
I have to call this legit for now, I will update and change it to scam if I find proof that it is. The rating can´t really not be either higher or lower than 5/10. This might also be changed in a near future.
Other Options
Important to mention is that you can also make money by writing about exactly what you want in the form of blogging, or on your own website. It won´t pay you any money at all, in the beginning, maybe not even your first 3-4 months.
But if you stick with it and don´t give up it can be very lucrative for you and your hard work will pay off in the end.
But if you want to earn money right away and get paid as soon as you have finished writing something, then Writing Jobs Online might be a better idea of course.
If you want to read my top 5 list of the things I KNOW work check out the link below. However, if you want to create your own solid and safe business with your writing skills I would recommend that you try that instead, or maybe at the same time on the side?
Click here to read more and also try it out for $0 FREE
I hope you found this review of the Writing Jobs Online website to be interesting and now you should have a good overview of what it is and what it is all about. If you have tried it please share your experience in the comment section. Also if you got any questions about this I would be very happy to answer them in the comment section.
Thank you for reading!
Owner of: StartMakeStopWaste.com
Very helpful and task oriented information.
Thank you.
Thank you