Thank you for visiting $tart Make $top Waste
My name is John, the founder of this website ?
First of all, I want to be real with you here, please keep in mind my English is not the best, so don’t kill me over that in the comment section ?
If you are on this site you are most likely interested in ways to create yourself an income online, right?
Either you love or hate money, the reality on this planet we are living on is that we all need it, you know it, I know it, everyone knows it.
This site was created to help you financially but also for you to start thinking more logically, and make smarter decisions. So you hopefully do not have to waste as much time on the wrong things as I did.
Let me tell you my story, starting from the days when I was very young and VERY “innocent” lol!
I was not really “the guy with the best grades” in school to put it that way… I was actually average (or below), the only thing I was really good at was sports… However, I was too involved in chasing girls and partying, living the “Yolo” life instead of taking advantage of my athletic talent… I also had a job “on the side” of school… I was more interested in making money than learning math, chemistry and all of that stuff…
So, after “college”, (still not sure if that is the right word for the Swedish school we go between the age of 16-19), I got myself a sales job, I started to sell one of Swedens biggest newspapers by doing telemarketing…
Then I started to WASTE Time “Criminal” activities
First of all, this is not something that I am proud of, and I am not really going to tell you exactly how and what I did, but lets just put it this way, I went from place A to B with some “stuff” and on place B I sold it.
This was the way I earned money for many years…
Needless to say, I started to hang out with “bad people” or more correct, people with problems, and I went deeper and deeper into this kind of lifestyle.
How I went from a “criminal” to instead become a full-time internet marketer?
Well, first of all, it all got very messy, my “crew” split up, many went to prison, others got sick, addicts, and some even died…
Anyway, to make a long story short, I reached the bottom, my “illegal” business came to an end, and just like the good old saying, when you lose your money, “friends” are not friends anymore… The good thing when that happens in life is that you find out who your real friends are, and I was surprised to see who some of them really where I have to say…
Anyway, I got myself a “real” and hard working honest job, at a sawmill, I stopped drinking alcohol, I stopped smoking weed (I had probably smoked weed for every day for around 8-9 years), and I started to work out…
Every day I worked out, even if I very rarely felt like doing it, I did it because I started to get a little overweight, and my whole life I had been kind of ripped and athletic (even though I never cared for what I was eating and never exercised), and I also felt that I had to do something, kind of to change my weed addiction into another addiction…
I did it for myself but also for my mother, father and my brother and sister
You see, I realized that I had not only hurt myself, and my future by wasting so many years on completely wrong things… I had (more importantly) hurt the ones who love me the most… and I am glad that my father at least got to see me stop doing that, become sober, become fit, and getting a “real” 9-5 job… Even though he always wanted me to study at the University…
I never did that… However, one week after he passed away, I started to study online, at a University that (in my opinion) is better than any “normal” University you can find “offline”
I now make more money in 1 day than I did working a whole month (including extra hours) at the sawmill:
Here are some recent passive income earning days:
Some smaller but still nice ones from other days:
From another passive income source:
And one more other :
And a few other nice ones:
Another big one:
And many “smaller” ones:
There are many ways to make money online, which way would you like to learn (or learn more) about? Tell me in the comment section below and I will be more than happy to answer you and doing my best to help you and send you in the right direction.
Some of the People I have helped:
The absolute best part of my work here is that I can actually help people and also change their lives completely, no matter where in the world they live.
Like this young man for example:

He helps me also A LOT…
You see, that is the absolute best feeling I know of,
knowing that you have made a difference and impact in someone’s life and helped them in the right direction.
I have also helped a lot of people to both avoid some pretty nasty scams and ripoffs by exploiting them, and helped people that way, and have even got my website attacked by doing so…
Scammers don´t like when I reveal their true colors, but that won´t stop me though and I WILL continue to do it as soon as I come across a scam or a big ripoff.
…and I have to tell you that it absolutely melts my heart and more importantly gives me the strength to continue when I get comments like this on my website (see below):
If you want to read the review (and/or the comments) where that comment and a lot of others both positive and negative just look at the first link (Project Breakthrough) below to see one scam that ripped off a lot of people on a lot of money, I managed to save a lot of people from falling from it though.
below are a few examples (got A LOT more listed on this website, unfortunately, they never end)
There are a lot more, and to be honest I am a bit “afraid” to name a few of them here as (believe it or not) I have been contacted and threatened to be sued by different layer companies, for writing “negative” on different topics and companies in the industry…
Most times it has ended with I have to delete the post completely and of course, that literally sucks (energy) because I know it helps a lot of people avoid losing both time and money.
More testimonials
As mentioned above I have also helped a lot of people to start making a consistent passive income online, below are other people I have helped out (and even started to work together with on different projects):

They have all helped me (more than they might think)
People like the ones above and what they have accomplished is really one of the biggest reasons why I am doing this and why I feel proud and motivated to continue most of the days in my daily life.
They might not realize that they have helped me out a lot also by thriving in themselves as that brings me a rush every time I think about it. It also gives me the energy necessary to keep working on this website (as I got a lot more websites and projects).
Some other websites of mine:
Once again, please leave a comment in the comment sections below what you would want to learn to do online and I will do my best helping you out and/or point you in the right direction.
I wish you success!
Founder of
P.S. If you want to learn how to create your own website AND make money from it, (plus a lot more other ways to make money online) then you might want to sign up on the form below:
Hello John
My name is Ari Oktav you can find me at facebook by type my name there, I’m not a famous person by the way.
I really interested about you and I’m not a gay (please don’t think about that) I want to know you personally.
I just wanna have a chat with you about something, I swear I’m not push you to join any program.
That’s it please contact me when you available to chat
I have sent you a message on Facebook Ari
Hello John,
Really happy to see your blog, you are really doing great job.
Can we connect on FB? You can search me by pankaj bhadage on FB.
hope to receive your reply.
Thank you man! Appreciate that alot.
I looked for you on Facebook but I found more than one person with your name. Maybe it is easier for you to add me? Search for John MKS there and you should be able to find me
/Best regards
Hello John,
Can we connect on FB too? I just followed you. The name is: sandra nguemo. From what I see you help people with passive income and even direct people with reviews. That’s a subject that interest me and I’d to communicate with you about that.
hope to receive your reply.
Best regards.
Hi Sandra, sure feel free to add me on Facebook, the best way to connect with me though, is by signing up to my e-mail list as I interact most with my readers there.
Hi John,
I’m Chamara. Already you know about me through WealthyAffiliate. If you can,Please send me your personal email address.
I am glad I joined your mailing list. You have helped me on WA and I have signed up for your VIP newsletters.
I was forced to retire at the age of 57 after 37 years as a civil litigation paralegal because of neck and back conditions. The work involved throughout my career required strict discipline, much research, investigation and writing (including court documents and legal briefing). MY problem with my writing style is that it always sounds very formal (to me) with too much authoritative assertiveness. I have been told by a couple of people that my style is casual and natural. This has created a “self-limiting belief ” that has me second guessing my writing. In high school (over 40 years ago) I didn’t understand grammar and barely passed it. My English courses were classes like creative writing, short stories and poetry to stay away from the formalities of sentence structure and things like participles (I still have no idea what that is). I have no college education. But at the same time, I learned to write analytical reports and created factual documents for juries (the first rule of talking to a jury is to speak with content so the least educated person can easily understand without offending the most intelligent one – Jurors consist of anyone 18 and older which means sometimes there would be a high school student sitting next to someone who has a PhD in something like toxicology).
My reasoning for explaining so much background detail is to preface my request for advice as to what I can do to have more confidence with my writing ability ….. be able to provide knowledge and new information, but also make people engage and be entertained.
See – it is a distraction, hindersnce and a total waste of time to read my work over and over again out of fear that It sounds unrealistic and uninteresting.
What would you recommend that would allow me to have more confidence (because I really think confidence is the root cause of my hesitancy). Any recommendation or comments you have to offer that would help me get rid of these inappropriate thoughts/overthinking? I really need to be more effective with my time management.
Secondly, because of my physical disability, I can only sit and stand for about 45 minites at a time, only spend about 2 hours a day on WAnduring the week. I have more time on the weekends but I am still limited by my physical condition. I get the most done on weekends when my 4 year old (who has an intellectual disability) is with his dad.
So, after all of this information, and understanding the reason I joined WA was give me something to occupy my time, and hopefully make a little bit of money. My income cannot exceed 12,000 per year or I lose my disability benefits. My question here is; if 5% become successful with turning a profit greater than full time income, what is your opinion about making just 12,000 as a supplement to my disability? Is this a goal that can be realized sooner by following WA, and what is the time period I should set for myself to achieve this 1,000 per month goal.?
Thank you again.
I think your writing is just fine, personally English isn´t my first language and I know I make grammar misstakes ALL THE TIME but it don´t give a f**k
Neither should you, just “write your mind” and people will like it, or not. There is never a way to make everyone happy so neither should you try… atleast that is my opinion on that.
About your questions, the answer is that there is no limit here in the subject of earning, once you start to make money it is always scalable and if you want more you can make that happen by doing so.
I would say to give it atleast 1 year, stay consistent and commited and also (I know it might sound crazy) but try visualize it, where you want to be.
A good book that made the whole difference for me is: Maximum Achievement by Brian Tracy.. Would highly recommend that one.
Thank you for sharing your thoughs here and if there is anything else just ask
Hej John!
Såg att du är från Sverige, så glad att jag hittade din sida. Har funderat på detta med Affiliate Marketing ett tag och detta gav mig en helt ny syn på det. Så bra!
Hade varit kul och komma i kontakt med dig!
Med Vänliga Hälsningar,
Hej Saara, ja absolut, klart du ska prova! Du kan kontakta mig här i komentarsfältet, annars på Instagram @StartMakeStopWaste eller på Facebook.
Ser fram emot att höra från dig igen
Hi John, would love to connect with you at some point. Finding your blog very useful. Let me know if you have time to talk sometime.
Thank you James! Glad you find value in my site, do you have Instagram? Feel free to add me on @startmakestopwaste and we can chat there?
Man you really are changing people’s life which is a very admirable thing to do.
I definitely agree with your statement that a healthy lifestyle is a core component to healthy life. Not only are you in good shape and feel good, it really does make you more productive to attack everyday at full force.
I look forward to your work and may pop in occasionally to see what not to buy when conducting my own research because we all know that scams never really stop hitting the market place
All the best!
Thank you, yes it is a fantastic feeling helping people out and see them develop and thrive, not much beat that feeling. Yes being in shape is the most important aspect of life I would say, came across a newspaper yesterday (my mother have bought it), and one article was about that the Swedish population are more fat than ever and that over 50% was overweight, that is a crazy nr but am not surprised… Have noticed it myself, in everyday life… Remember when I was a child, then it was very rare to see overweight people, at least that´s how it was here in Sweden… Its a very bad development, and also very sad.
You are welcomed back to the site whenever you want,
thanks again for your comment.
I empathize with victims of scammers. Scammers and rip-off artists are sneaky people who take shortcuts so they don’t make money the traditional way: through hard work. They are wolves in sheep’s clothing who prey on others’ emotions and fool them into thinking that giving them money will make their lives 100% better. Wrong! Thank you for what you are doing to fight rip-off artists and scammers, who are unethical and do not deserve positive attention.
I am a true believer in health, nutrition, and relationships with others that lead to love and a satisfying life.
I do have 2 websites that follow my passions: and
Hey John!
I am Preeti Sagar. And I am so grateful that I’ve found you. Firstly, your website (Start make Stop waste) have saved me from a scam which I was thinking to buy. So, thank you so much for that. I appreciate your blog. Its clean & Straight, to the point. Your website not only saving people from scams, but it is also giving right direction to many people to make money online and to grow online business.
Secondly, you are a wonderful person John. I am thankful for your guidance in online business. Your guidance is always well organized & Informative. I am definitely getting benefit from your guidance. You are a Generous person with great analytical skills.
Much Love
First of all, thank you for your kind words, really makes me happy to hear that you have got life-changing value from what I recommended you
Sorry for the late reply Preti (wish I saw it earlier as this makes me VERY happy inside), sometimes I even miss to reply a few emails, some I even miss to open, I try to answer all comments though
Thanks again, and believe me you help me more than you might think only by leaving your comment
Saw that you have signed up to the e-mail list, so anytime there is anything simply ask me there.
Hi, John. Really happy to see you. I am an Entrepreneur and an investor. I am investing in ICOs and HYIP programs and they are giving me soma average income. I would like to reach you personally on Facebook. RJ.The.Entrepreneur is my Facebook userID.
Message me personally.
Wish You All success
Thank you yoguRJ, for reaching out.
I am totally not recommending HYIPs but some ICOs are interesting I would say
Am not that active on Facebook anymore but will check it out as soon as I get the chance.
/All the best
I’ve never seen an HYIP that’s not a scam.
Haha good point!
Thank you for your comment!
I am Product Owner for – ad tracker fro affiliate and performance marketing
I would like to discuss potential collaboration. Not sure it is ok to share more in a public comment but looks like there are other ways you think we can work together
If it is something you are interested in – lets connect and talk
Hi John,
What I have done first after reading your article is bookmarking your site in my favorite section. I love your story and your helping mind and got a big inspiration to start my web site soon. I need to follow you to be successful in consistent monthly income. I found your article is helpful for all beginners and sufferers who fail in this sector. I am going to read your other article soon. Thanks for your helpful information in your website.
Actually I’m impressed with your website. You did hard work in here.. great job. Keep going!
Thank you
Hi John – Sent email to your mailing list email and msg to you on FB.
Hi there,
ok thank you going to see if I find you there!
Hi John, thanks for the great work you do of helping people. I would like to connect with you to ask for your guidance regarding some affiliate campaign I have been running without success–but I don’t know how to reach you. My email:
Hi John
I’m so glad that I find your profile.
I would like to ask you about this crypto trader EASYCFDGAIN and if you have any knowledge who they are and if they are legit.
Any help would be appreciated cause probably I got scammed more than 60 000$
Thank you for your comment!
Never heard about that platform. I would recommend that you stick to well-known and trusted alternatives first of all…
In order for me to be able to help you out and stear you in the right direction, can I ask you what it is that you are looking for?
Thank you again brother!