The banks are no longer an option to put your money if you want to see them grow. Best investments 2016, is it stocks? No, not that either. Many “experts” might suggest that you invest into binary options and start trading, well unless you don´t know what you doing that is NOT a good idea.
Gold is said to be a safe bet when everything else is going bad, could gold be an option? Yes, why not.
I will present the absolute best options for that in this post also but also other ones that are more “unknown”.
The year is 2016 and there are new investment possibilities on the market, some of them have actually been around for quite some time now. But they are not known to the big mass, at least not yet.
I am going to present 3 different options for you in this post.
One for pure capital investment. Another for a business idea and also one for your own personal development. Sounds good? Ok here they are:
Best Investments 2016
Invest in bitcoins
There is a company named Bitbond that has been around for more than 4 years now. It is a great company with a great idea. You can either invest or get a loan there, there is huge benefit in it.
Great opportunity that needs your attention!
If you want to read more about this and what they have to offer click here
Gold, silver and other precious metals
This is probably the safest and most solid investment there is, especially in the “insecure” economic times we live in.
I have listed the absolute best and top rated ones that suits investors on ANY budget.
**Click here to see the ones that are top rated and top trusted
Start your own online business
Ok, this might not sound like a classic investment but the fact that you can actually do this at pretty much no cost at all makes it kind of a GREAT investment in the future and in YOURSELF.
Did you know that the absolute easiest and cheapest way to start your own business is doing it online? Maybe you do know that, but do you know how and where to start and get all the help and tools you need?
Most of you probably don´t know. Well, there is a FANTASTIC place that has been online since 2005 and has a half million users worldwide! What I am talking about here is Wealthy Affiliate University. No matter if you are a total beginner or got years of experience this is where you want to be.
It is also absolutely free to get started and see if it is something you would be interested in doing!
If you want to read more about this opportunity click here.
Invest in your brain: Most importantly can sometimes (mostly) be to change your own mindset! What is the best way? Books! If your goal is to become a much better version of yourself in 2016 I have 3 great book tips for you. These are the ones:
- Maximum Achievement by Brian Tracy
- Awaken The Giant Within by Anthony Robins
- How To Win Friends And Influence People by Dale Carnegie
Each one of this books can really change your life in MANY ways no matter if it is your financial situation or any other aspect of your life you want to improve, these books got the answers to your problems!
You can buy all of them on for a very cheap price.
If you haven´t read them I strongly suggest you do, if you have read them but don´t own a physical (or kindle) copy I strongly suggest you buy.
Remember These Good Old Sayings?!
What you do today is what you reap the benefits of tomorrow!
Clarity is power, if you know exactly what you want it will be a lot easier to get there.
A seed always has to be covered in dirt and rained on before it can grow!
This was my best tips on investments in 2016 and I hope this post was helpful for you, please share your thoughts and questions in the comment section below. I would also love to hear your best investment advice, share them in the comment section also!
I wish you the best and a lot of success in whatever you choose to do!
Thank you for reading!
Founder of: Start Make Stop Waste
Great article.
I agree with your Wealthy Affiliate recommendation , it has helped me build my own website from scratch considering i had 0 knowledge about online marketing or website building.
I now have my own site and growing every day the education and support provided in WA is top quality , would recommend it to anybody.
Thanks Alan! I agree on that, you are absolutely right I would also and I am recommending it to anyone
Thanks for your comment! /John
All these investments sound great but………… I don’t have money to invest and have no desire to start a business online or not. What does interest me is investing in my mind. I have read Dale Carnegie’s book but have not read the other two. On your recommendation I will purchase them and read them. I am not sure if the answer to all my problems is in a book but they can certainly give me the opportunity to change my life for the better.
Thanks for your comment Christine! Are you sure the answer to your problems can´t be in one book? Maybe you haven´t read the right book yet?
Glad you found this and I am SURE you will find the answer to pretty much all problems in those 2 books if you practice it´s principles. I would love if you come back here and tell us what you thought about the books.
Thank you again for your comment Christine!
Whenever I see the term “forex†I think foreign exchange. Does forex always mean foreign exchange or does this term have multiple meanings? Also, I typically associate forex with the currency exchange market. I’ve heard promising testimonials regarding currency trading, however, I’ve never tried it myself. Investing, in general, is something I ought to learn more about. I typically don’t invest, and this may be why I don’t have a great deal of money. I am part of WA, and I do agree that any type of online work is very promising. I expect to see the online work force increase exponentially over the next several years. Reading is definitely needed in today’s competitive work force.
Thanks for the tips.
Forex can also be called foreign exchange so I think you have right
It is estimated that (about) $4 TRILLION goes through the Forex market every day. That is crazy money and probably also why there is an investment opportunity in it.
I have also seen many promising testimonials and forex (not to mention binary) opportunities, but I have never seen one that has your deposited money insured. You can read more about it here:…
Wow so you are also a member of WA? Great place right? That place have changed my life completely and I am so glad that I found it! I guess you are to, right?
If you want to (add me) inside the community here is a link to my profile:
Yes books are probably the best way to invest in yourself no matter if the year is 1916 or 2016. They never grow old or out of time, I love the feeling of a physical book and I have actually never read a kindle one, and don´t think I ever will
Thank you for your comment!
Hi There,
Awesome recommendations there, that bugger Dale Carnegie is freaking timeless I’m currently reading one of his books how to stop worrying and start living (not just for worry warts btw!, awesoem inspiration in there too.)
Wealthy Affiliate, That is where the gold is at (pardon the pun!). On gold, historically value doubles every 20 years, not so much a money maker (historically speaking) but insurance against inflation as retail prices prices tend to double on average every 20 years..and one thing for sure .. your interest on money sitting in the bank won’t double in 20 years!
I have to agree on everything you say Derek!
Thank you for reminding us! Also thank you for your comment and I wish you a great year ahead!
Hi John,
These all sound like great ideas. I know with my money I just stick it away in Roths and in municipal bonds. There is no way I would invest in stocks with the tumble the market has been taking. It is not a good start to the new year.
I also the love the idea of investing in myself. I do not have any of those books on my radar, but I am reading a Jim Rohn book that has been fabulous. It has already helped me be more productive in just a few short weeks. This should be the year we all invest more and get more in return.
Yes I would NOT invest into stocks either these times. Sounds like some great reading you got right there Jessica! That is great! Thank you for your comment! /John
Hello John, I like your advice regarding investment in ourselves. In this case you mentioned brain.
A lot people stop learn, when they got their diploma. They follow path, which is the same and boring. I mean that they do not reach for higher goals, because a lot of them put restrictions for themselves.
They look at number of years and tell themselves what it is to late to learn something new.
Scientists prove that out brain is flexible and is able to digest all information what we give.
Of course, we need to rest but we can learn too.
All the best, Nemira.
It is never too late to learns something new, I totally agree on that
Thank you Nemira!