If you have read this blog before you probably know that this blog is mainly to help people to make money online and to help you avoid scams and “bad alternatives”.
It is not only that but that is the main purpose. Knowing that I help people with that is a very satisfying feeling, one of the best feelings I know of to be honest. I might have done mistakes in some of my reviews but I always do my best and I am ALWAYS honest.
We all make mistakes all the time, why? Because we are humans.
However, this post is not a review this is for you who really want to accomplish something, whatever it is, this is a wake-up call… But a good one 🙂
Big Competition
I used to think that certain things were unachievable in life, for a very long time I thought that way. Maybe you think like that now? Sometimes all we need to do is read a book to get our mind on other thoughts, we spend way to much time online nowadays 🙂
Anyway, the thing I want to discuss in this post is the “BIG” competition in the BIG world we live in, everybody wants a piece of the cake, right? For example, everybody want´s to be rich, be successful, be best at what they do (or at least be very good at it).
But… how many are willing to sacrifice the time and effort that is needed to get there? The answer to that is NOT many.
The Point
That leads to my point, the competition is much smaller than we many times think.
It is hard, it is not easy at all to do anything that is worth doing. Sure, if playing video games and watch tv is all you want to do, it doesn´t take any effort of course.
I am not saying that it is anything wrong doing those things but that´s not the point.
I mean, you should be happy that it is hard because if it wasn´t hard it would be WAY more competition and feel pretty hopeless. So be glad that it is hard, that is a good thing. Because if you want it bad enough you just put in the work (that almost nobody is willing to put in).
If you do that and not stopping before you get there, then there is no way in hell you ain´t going to get there (to your success in whatever it is).
Who Are You?
We all have different goals, maybe you want to be the best in the world? Maybe you want to be great? Maybe you just want to be very good at something, be financially free, not wanting to struggle from paycheck to paycheck every month.
People hate their life, jobs, economic situation and I understand that. The 9-5 ain´t getting many people anywhere. It is not fair and it is not the way it should be but guess what that is how it is in this world right now.
Is it getting better if we complain about it? Do you change the situation by going home and playing video games after you job that you hate? Or watching TV?
No, if you want something you are going to have to make it yourself. What do you want?
This is where people lose hope and think they cannot change their lives, that is absolutely wrong, they can, you can, we can.
It is hard yes, it will take some time yes, it will also be worth it yes.
It is actually much easier than most people think, why? Because it is hard 🙂 and there isn´t that much competition.
Are you up for the “big” challenge or are you going to watch dancing with the fucking stars on TV tonight? 😉
If financial freedom and working with something that you enjoy doing is what you want the best direction I can send you is to click here.
I wish you the best!
Thanks for reading
Owner of: StartMakeStopWaste.com
A lot of people want change to magically happen in their lives when in reality they have to take action for it to happen – you can’t just sit around waiting for things to fall into place.
It’s really hard to be great at something, but if you set goals and put the work in, you have an advantage over a lot of people. Many people quickly get complacent in their jobs/careers/pursuits, but if you’re willing to put the time and effort in, you’ll be moving past them each and every day.
Exactly! Thank you Thomas!
The ironic thing is that by learning to make money online it ultimately gives you more free time to watch Dancing with the Strs if that is what you wish. I guess it is all about delaying your gratification for a little while. In the process of delaying gratification you will most likely learn how to make money on auto-pilot which will make you even more determined to do even better!
Yes, you can look at it that way also, thanks for that angle Ben!
Such great points.
I think so many of us want everything you listed: to be rich, successful, the best, happy, etc. However, such a small portion of people actually are determined to achieve those things.
Challenge is good. I’m a firm believer that if something is difficult, the reward for completeing it is so much greater than if it is easy. Whether the reward is financial or just the feeling of accomplishment, it’s worth the challenge, in my opinion.
Well said!
Thanks for your comment Brandy!
Hi John! Great motivational article man! Many people go to the internet to find ways to make money online… what they really want is an easy and quick solution to their boring and stressful 9-5 life.
However, the online world is just a reflection of the real world, you need to provide value to be rewarded! The online world is not magical! So, when people realize it takes effort, they give up… what a waste of potential!
Anyone can make money online and finally be free of this crazy system that keeps you stuck in a hell job. Your last link takes to the right path, I also followed your recommendation and build my skyscraper, one brick at a time.
Exactly that is the biggest problem with people, they see that it is going to take work, then they give up. Instead, they could put in the work for 1 year and then after that start to relax and not work as much.
Makes me very glad to hear that Stefan, thank you!
EXACTLY, if it was easy everyone would be doing it! Like you said a lot of people today know the opportunity is there but not even half of them pursue it and then not even half of them stick with the opportunity through the long run.
So yea, this so called “big competition” isn’t as “big” as most people would think, in fact is is much SMALLER than you might think.
Nothing worth doing is going to be easy, you hit the nail right on the head with that one!
Thanks for taking the time to share a little insight with your readers. Who knows maybe this will be someone’s wake up call!
That is what I hope for man, that it at least can help someone.
/Best regards
Hey John,
How right you are! I think we have to always remember that anything worth having in life is worth putting in the time and effort to get it!
It’s so easy to get “stuck” but we have the ability to change the direction of our lives. It takes focus, determination, hard work, and perseverance. It’s not always a smooth road, but we’ll never know what’s at the end of the road if we don’t walk down that path!
Best wishes,
Hey good website John. You should have done a review on a company called empower network. They tried so hard to make me buy a $5000 product, which I eventually found out wasn’t that necessary. Well thanks for the the information on your site, it is very useful for new online business owners.
I have actually already made that review 🙂 The reason why such places are overpriced is because it is an MLM business, they “have” to be overpriced to be able to pay people “below” and that is also why I pretty much never recommend MLMs
Hi John,
Success is a Choice. And i think it is easy to fall into the Society expectations, meaning that box of rules on how we are supposed to live our lives! And a lot of people do not know any better, they do not know that they can have everything they want and dream of… People think that reich people got lucky or did something corrupt and etc…
So, yes it is simple. As you say ‘Stop’ watching that favourite TV show and do something productive, it requires discipline but it is worth it in the end!
Well said!
/Thank you for your comment!
Good post man very true. If you want something bad enough you have to get up put on your big boy boots and go get it. That’s with any and everything. I love posts like this you aren’t sugar coding anything thing keeping it real and that’s the best way to be. I will share this on all of my social media accounts to help get your name out there. You deserve it with this post thank you and continue to be 100%.
Thank you man!