Today we look at the new Ecosia. What is Ecosia? How does it work? What do they offer you? This and everything else is some of the questions you get the answers to in this short review about the Ecosia website!
Name of the product: Ecosia
Official Website URL:
Overall Rating: (4.5 / 5)
Recommended? : Yes
Want to be part of saving the earth and make money in the process? (Learn more here)
As the world continues to experience many changes in the climatic setting, the need to have organizations that are focused on saving what is left of our planet is becoming a matter of utmost importance. Besides the global and governmental institutions that are mandated with the creation of policies that minimize and curb the degradation of the environment, the world needs the joint collaboration of private organizations and all of mankind at large. Ecosia is one such private organization that has managed to establish its course as being one that supports the creation of a better planet by making the earth a safer and better place to live in. in this review, we shall find out how exactly Ecosia achieves this purpose. Below are some of the main areas we shall address herein:
– What is Ecosia?
– How does it work?
– What are the main features of this organization?
– Is it a genuine company?
– Does it have any income-generating opportunities that you can take up?
– What are the pros and cons of Ecosia?
What is Ecosia?
Ecosia is essentially a search engine. If you are already familiar with search engines such as Google and DuckDuckgo, then you should have no problem with using Ecosia. The only thing that makes Ecosia stand out is the fact that it does not exist to serve the same money-making objectives that are held by the owners of the other search engines.
All the proceeds that are generated from the operations of the company that owns this search engines are used to plant trees. It is a well-known fact that trees contribute to the world’s climatic conditions, hence their presence or absence is bound to affect the quality of our lives at large.
Ecosia, therefore, lets you search the web to support the planting of trees. Such, if you would ask me, is an excellent course that deserves the support of everyone who is alive and is able to access a computer or smartphone.
Ecosia is actually not the only organization that is taking steps towards ensuring the planet is more habitable: there is also an organization known as bUnited, whose objective is to unite people and sway organizations to offer them discounts on certain products, and to also push them to partake in activities that make our planet a better place to live in.
How does Ecosia work?
Ecosia does not have any up-the-sleeves magic or complex philosophies about how it achieves its objectives. First of all, I would recommend adding Ecosia as your primary search engine, there is a button on their home page I just did it myself and are now using Ecosia as my main search engine (see screenshot below):
All the process that revolves around this organization’s usefulness to this planet are outlined in the following steps:
1. Search the web using Ecosia – this is the most important bit about Ecosia’s capability to realize its mission. You are required to install Ecosia and use it as your default browser in order to support its course of action. Without you searching the web with Ecosia, then nothing can be achieved.
2. The search Ads generate Income for Ecosia – Search ads are run on this search engine, and Ecosia gets paid for it. With Ecosia’s growing popularity, the audience created for such ads is rapidly growing, hence companies can pay Ecosia and trust that their products will gain sufficient visibility in the market.
3. Ecosia plants trees – With the income earned from search ads, Ecosia purchases, and plants trees all over the world. You can view the number of trees it has managed to plant so far, by simply accessing this search engine (
Features of Ecosia?
• offers a search engine that is curated to meet your search needs. It is presented in a clean white theme that is similar to what you may have actually seen on search engines such as Google. When you make a search, your results are displayed in the following sections :
o Web
o Images
o News
o Videos
o Maps
o Wikipedia
o Amazon
o YouTube
o Google
o Ecosia Travel (BETA)
• There are also filters that help you define the time frame within which the sources that come up in the results were created.
• There is a tree icon that is placed at the top right corner of this search engine, and a number displayed right below it. This number represents the trees you have helped to plant by using Ecosia to search the web.
• Ecosia has a menu on which resources such as an FAQ section, shop, mobile app, blog, settings, and privacy policy are availed. All these are meant to help you gain a better understanding of how to use Ecosia, as well as defining the operational framework for you.
Is Ecosia genuine?
Ecosia is a genuine search engine which you can actually install as a mobile app on Google Play Store and App Store (for iOS users) ( There are user reviews that have already been given by people in both application stores, and most of them point to Ecosia being quite reliable and efficient. Ecosia seeks to protect the trees and to also protect your privacy and is therefore very particular with regards to the provision of the privacy that you need. It achieves this through:
– Not saving your searches.
– Not tracking your website visits
– Not selling your data to advertisers.
– Ensuring that all your searches are SSL-encrypted (safe).
The owners of this company also publish all the financial reports on a monthly basis, as well as the tree-planting receipts on the official website.
Sounds almost a little good to be true, right? Is it really as good as it sounds? The video below goes a little deeper into the subject:
My stand is that this search engine is out to achieve an impressive mission, and since we cannot all leave our busy schedules to go and begin planting trees, we can at least support Ecosia and have more trees planted to make this planet more habitable.
Income-generating opportunities
Ecosia does not offer you any income-generating opportunities, but it does not also ask for a single penny from you. You are only required to set it as your default search engine, and this will go a long way towards helping this organization protect the trees and save the environment.
If you are looking for a way to make money by in the same time plant trees and help the world to become a better place then bUnited as I have mentioned further up might be a good alternative for you.
==> Learn more about bUnited on this page
Pros and cons
We always present our visitors (you) with both the positive sides as well as the negative ones in our reviews and as always you have some clear points on both sides of the spectrum:
– It supports a worthy course
– No monetary requirements
– Gives detailed results
– Protects your privacy
– Offers supporting resources
– Available as an app (on Android and iOS)
– None so far
Do you own or represent Ecosia?
If you are a representative, or associate of the Ecosia and have found something not to be correct in this review please, feel free to tell and I will make sure to update the info on this post. The easiest way to do it is in the comment section below or by simply sending us an e-mail.
Final words and verdict
Verdict: Recommended!
Overall rating: (4.5 / 5)
Ok, I think that sums up the overall view of Ecosia pretty good. It is in my personal opinion something great, and who doesn´t want to be part of making this world a better place? So why not using their search engine the next time you perform your browsing online, right?
Look at this “modified” screenshot below: Already 14 trees planted and I have barely performed many searches for the last 2 days! Well, if that might sound too good to be true or not I would really like to hear your thoughts on in the comment section below!

Not only does it make the world a better place but there are also other benefits (as mentioned) earlier, where they do NOT track or save your searches and also do not sell your data to advertisers.
So there are some more clear benefits using Ecosia, not only to make the world a better place.
The thing is really,
here is the thing:
==> Most important!
You have to see this short “to the point” secret wisdom about search engines (You will understand in exactly 14- seconds) This is without a doubt the best I have ever learned in my “search engine optimization journey”
See Clip below (takes only 14 sec):
New SERIOUS & Real Save the Planet Opportunity
Hope you enjoyed my joke above? I think that is hilariously funny and laugh every time I see it, just like the children in the background haha.
Ok, now seriously for real. No more joking.
The trend is clear and even if I do not follow trends at all, I have to say that a trend that has to do with the theme of, kind of like, being part of saving the world and make it better is a good trend,
and that makes me do an exception for my so-called “trend follow fears” lol…
This is something that grows fast and has the potential to be HUGE in a short amount of time.
So, I want to recommend you to check out bUnited as they allow you to be part of making this world a better place AND at the same time allows you to hopefully create an income for yourself doing so in the process.
Their business is still in the early stages but it has grown FAST and has the potential to make a HUGE impact… Both on the world but also in YOUR wallet… the faster you act the better odds for profit they say, well, that might be the case in this scenario as well so do not hesitate to look at this before its too late for the bigger profits.
Learn more about it through the link below:
==> Learn more about (and Join) bUnited on this page! <==
I hope you found this review of Ecosia to be helpful and that you now have a better understanding of what it is and if it is something for you or not. Please, if you have used any of its services then share your experience in the comment section below! Also, if you got any questions about this I will be more than happy to answer them below!
I wish you success!
founder of: Start Make Stop Waste
Seeing products without money orientation these days is very rare and seeing what ecosia aims to achieve is really great and awesome. With the evolvement of the world and advancement in technological innovations, we are turning the world unto an inhabitable place and only if we can restore nature back to their normal way of functioning, then we can make nature and the world habitable back. Great initiative from this ecosia and it is good to read on. I will download this at once and support this program by engaging in lot of searches. Thanks
Once I saw the name, I knew it had to be about something relating to the ecology. It’s good to see that with this search engine, we all will be saving out planet and more trees will be planted. I love the idea of the platform. Since I can also get as good search results as I will get with other search engines, why not. It’s not a bad idea at all and I think I need to share this with friends too. Nice one!
Yes, it is a no-brainer so make sure to share this page with others!
/All the best
This is really amazing I must say. I don’t think I have come across any search engine which is free for everyone, thats one, second it uses its profits to help develop the environment. Such apps should be made use of by everyone susibgva search engine because its indirectly giving to us what we give to it. I will make sure I download the app and also inform others about it. Thanks for sharing.
I’ve heard about a search engine that donates their proceed to saving earth by planting trees. So it is Ecosia. Thank you for informing me about this search engine! I’ve just tried it. They produced a somewhat different results from Google Search engine, but still reliable. I may want to try using their ads. Do you know if their cost is generally higher or lower than Google ads? Thank you in advance for your answer.
This is so cool, I love it! Knowing that I can help make the world a better place by searching the web is fantastic. I love this article and information. I am definitely telling my friends and family about this. Please keep spreading the word. In a world where people are trying to take advantage of other people, it is so nice to see a company that is trying to make a difference and help.
As it is written Ecosia is an environmentalist that takes care of the earth without making it a milking cow, it battles climate change by planting trees it has a high rating of 4.5 out of 5. It is a wonderful organization that could also give anyone a part to participate. It works like bUnited, it works by searching the web using Ecosia, the search ads generate Income for Ecosia, Ecosia plants trees. Ecosia is a genuine search engine and it gives me a very strong desire to participate. Information like this should be given important dissemination. Thanks for the info.
Companies with a cause should be supported just as how it gives back and prioritize a certain advocacy. Having said this, I am going to download and install Ecosia as my way of taking part in its service to environmental concerns. Besides, I think it is great to have a different search engine other than google as it provides more information and has means of information comparison with other leading SEs.
We have to take part in sharing responsibilities to our environment. Supporting Ecosia actually gives you more benefits than what you can do for it. I thank you for sharing this cause with us. I hope that you’ll get more supporters so that we can have more trees to be planted.
Thank you!