What is the best keyword search tool? If you have a website, blog or youtube channel, you are going to ask yourself this question at some point (the sooner the better).
Choosing the right keyword (or keywords) is VERY important and the best way to traffic (people finding your stuff). In this Jaaxy review I will show you why it is by far the best keyword research tool on the market and also what the most important aspects of a keyword is.
The Jaaxy Review:
Product: Jaaxy
Website: jaaxy.com
Owner: Kyle
Price: 30 searches = FREE, Unlimited searches and acces to all the other functions = $19/month
Who is it for: People who have Blogs, Websites and/or YouTube channels
What is Jaaxy
So what is Jaaxy? A Simple answer: It is the best keyword search tool on the market. But, it is much more than just a keyword tool. It will actually come up with ideas for keywords and suggest (very good ones) for you!
But that is not all:
You can use Jaaxy to see your website ranking or post ranking. You can also use it to see what domain names that are available. (very nice function, especialy if you buy and sell domains)
Jaaxy is also the only keyword research tool that will give you the exact keyword competition!
It is VERY easy to use and understand, all this combined is what makes it the best keyword search tool.
Why is Jaaxy Better Than other Keyword Tools?
Well if you have tried other keyword tools before, then you also know that most of them produce A LOT of data, metrics and tags that you have to try to understand and make sense of.
The thing is that most of this data, metrics and tags are completely useless, they have really no value and will only confuse you.
So most keyword tools provide you with “garbage” that is totally useless.
Never buy a keyword tool that:
- You need to install
- Provides you with PPC guestimates
- Uses Alexa as key factor in determining competition
- Requires more than one search to accomplish a single task
- Have tools that don´t pull results from ALL search engines
- Is not free to try before you buy
The points above are all indicators of a bad (low quality) keyword search tool. You understand pretty fast when you have a bad keyword tool that it is useless and don´t provide you with data that matters (and are up to date). What is the reason to have a crap tool when you can have the best?
Below is a screenshot from my google analytics account (where I track my traffic), This is only ORGANIC searches (meaning that people have searched on my keywords on google and landed on my website).

This is really no special results, many people get much better results but it also (of course) depends on how much work you put in and how often you post… Yes I am a lazy website owner I know…
But, you don´t have to be! :o)
Jaaxy keeps it simple and most importantly: EFFECTIVE!
When you do reasearches on your niche (or niches) there is really only 3 metrics to care about:
- How much competition does your keyword/keywords have?
- How much traffic does the keyword get?
- Does it (the keyword) make sense?
Jaaxy will ACCURATELY provide you with the first two points.
I have never seen a keyword tool that can give you those 2 points accurately. Have you?
The last one you have to figure out yourself, but that is easy, just use your “common sense” :o)
So if you find keywords that have low competiton and get some good amount of traffic, then you have a perfect SEO Keyword (or keyword phrase) right there. Now you can literally take over the throne of the first page in the search engines if you create content or a video that is relevant to the keyword.
What more? Nothing. It really is that easy, IF you have this data… Jaaxy gives you this in the “blink of an eye” and that is why it is the best keyword search tool in the world.

The best products are always free to try before you buy!
What ever your budget is there is an option for you with Jaaxy, for you who just starting out, for you who truly understands the importance of researching keywords, and for you who is a keyword freak :o)
- Jaaxy Starter = Free
- Jaaxy Pro = $19/Month or $199/Year
- Jaaxy Enterprise = $49/Month or $499/Year
Read more and choose the right Jaaxy option for YOU here!
Me personaly use the PRO version and right now it is more than enough for me, it saves me many hours per day in the form of keyword research and also have pretty much all the functions that Enterprise has, it is just slower…
I will probably upgrade in the future (as my business expands) simply because I like to save time…
The biggest reason you want this tool is to save A LOT of time, and as we all know, time is money.
If you can (and afford) pay to save time, ALWAYS do that, because time you will never get back… Time is also money… But that is another story :o)
But if you have more money than time, Go for Enterprise! If you are unsure and want to see how Jaaxy works first, try the free version. It is limited to 30 searches, and you will not acces all the other functions, but you will get a good idea of what to expect.
No matter what option you choose you will now have the acces to the best keyword search tool there is!
Like I said above!
Jaaxy is more than just a keyword search and research tool. What moore can it do? Alot, It has brainstorming and niche finding functions, ability to find exactly what page on google your site or post is ranked, analyse your competitions websites, finding affiliate programs, create keyword lists… etc.
Jaaxy is simply a great tool! I would not know what to do, if I was without it!!
Jaaxy is also totally web based (no need to download anything) so you can acces it anywhere that you have an Internet connection, including on your phone. So whenever you get an idea to something new, you can research it on the spot.
Are you ready to try Jaaxy out? Use the keyword research box below.
I hope you found this review of Jaaxy to be helpful and now you know what it is and what it is used for. If you have tried it I am confident that you agree with me that it is the best keyword search tool in the world!? Please leave a comment below with your opinions!
Thank you for reading!
Founder of: Start Make Stop Waste
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