This post is going to present (If you are interested) The Top 10 Ways to Make Money Online even if you aren´t sure where to start, then this post is for you as I will present 10 different ways you can choose from. They are what I would say the 10 best or at least 10 of the best ways for a beginner, or why not for someone who has tried something before but felt it wasn´t the right way for them:
More and more people start to open up their eyes to the HUGE opportunity that lies online. For millions of people, it would be a dream come true, to make money online with a website, or generate passive income in some other way. The fact remains, it is still the absolute easiest and fastest way for anyone to escape the rat race and quit the 9-5 life once and for all. It is easy to understand why as that would allow you to spend more time with your family, work on your own terms, be your own boss and travel on vacation when YOU want, without having to ask anyone for permission.
What is amazing today is that making a passive income online isn´t something that only nerdy coding dudes can do, today’s technology actually allows any average Joe to not only earn money but to become financially free and even earn more than doctors and lawyers do.
Personally, I have been making recurring passive income online now for around 5 years, and I know of thousands of people who do the same, some I even know personally, and others I have actually helped myself to create recurring passive income.
Personally, it all started with me studying how to do it after my 9-5 in evenings, then I studied more on the weekends, it took a while to get the thing started, but after around 4 months I started to make my first money, and on month 7 I made my first $2,000+ month.
Now, I make money every day online from different sources, and I know of more ways to do it than I will ever be able to do even if I had 7 lives lol! There are just too many opportunities online.
The good news is that most of the passive income online strategies are not very complicated at all to learn. However, it is not something that will happen overnight, just like anything else, it will take some time and effort from you to learn it first. You need to be prepared for a slow start, and (most likely) not making a single dollar for the first couple of months. For me, it took 4,5 months before I made any money at all from the first website I created.
Consistency is key here, the ones who stick to what they start are the one who will succeed, the ones who give up will fail (at a 100% rate).
The Top 10 Ways to Make Money Online
If you are interested to start making money online but aren´t sure where to start, then this post is for you as I will present 10 different ways you can choose from. They are what I would say the 10 best, or at least 10 of the best ways for a beginner, and or someone who has tried something before but felt it wasn´t the right way for them:
#1 Affiliate marketing
Do you have a website or a blog? Or do you want to create one? Whatever it might be, you got to consider affiliate marketing. It is the exact same way I got started online myself. The business model couldn´t be any more simple.
You simply partner up with brands, you then recommend the brand on your blog, or on social media, or anywhere online to be correct. The company then pay you money for sending new customers to them.
#2: Google Adsense
You have seen it, when you visit pretty much any website online, there they are, the Google ads. They are not there by mistake, they are there for a good reason, yes you guessed it, they make money for the website owner. They can be very lucrative and some people make a lot of money from these ads. It is $0 FREE to sign up for a Google Adsense account.
The trick to making money this way is by having a website with A LOT of traffic (traffic means people visiting your site). So, if you already have a website, then this is for you if you haven´t then you need to build yourself one,
I would recommend the same places to get started as the ones I recommended for affiliate marketing above.
#3: Consulting
Consulting is another way to make money online. In the best case scenario, you are already an expert in a field, if you are, then you can get people to pay you to counsel them on their business (or personal) goals.
You might think that you are not good enough to consult people (or big companies), but trust me, you would be surprised to find out what types of expertise people are ready to pay you for.
Sam Ovens is a good example of someone (who didn´t even have any expertise) and started a consulting business and is now a multi-millionaire. It all started with his first 1 client though. He is currently teaching others how to do the same and this might be worth checking out for you.
There are also other ways for you to learn how to start a consulting business, for example, you can try to go at it on your own at Clarity.
1: Sam Ovens Consulting course (Learn from a pro)
2: (Create a profile for free and charge people for your expertise)
#4: Trading Stocks or Bitcoin?
I read in the newspaper the other week that the guy who earned absolutely most in Sweden last year was a 20-year old something. He had made more money than the H&M CEO, The banks CEOs and everyone else…
How he did it?
By trading…
There are many places where you can start to learn to trade, and something I have tried myself and also recommend a lot is to trade Cryptocurrencies with so-called bots.
==> Read about my #1 recommendation for crypto trading here
==> If you want to trade stocks this is a hot method!
#5: Book Sales
Gone are the days when publishing a book was hard and something only some people could do. Nowadays there are thousands of normal people, just like you and me who have written and published their own e-Books online and make a recurring passive income from websites like Amazon to name one of the most common.
==> is a free website where you can get started
==> Step-by-step course (perfect for beginners)
The step-by-step course above is written by a guy who went from $0-$4,000 per month from selling Kindle books on Amazon in only a short period of time of 3 months.
If you feel that writing a book that people want to buy it for you then check out both sources, many times it is the feeling of “I cannot do it” that stop people from doing this but it is NOT as hard as you might think.
#6: Freelance Writing
If you have writing skills and love to do it then this is a pretty obvious alternative to you. There is a huge demand for written content online and the better you are the more you can charge people for your work.
This can be a way for you to make extra money on the side, but it can also be a way for you to make a whole lot more than that and even make a full-time living and more.
The absolute #1 place I would recommend to start is on:
Another alternative can be:
#7: YouTube
YouTube is, of course, going to be on this list as well. The power of YouTube cannot be underestimated, and the power of video marketing overall is only going to grow according to pretty much ALL studies on this subject.
Starting a YouTube channel is pretty much like blogging, but instead of writing content you speak and film content, but to rank it works pretty much the same as ranking written content on Google. You use keywords and SEO.
If you grow a big following on Youtube and get consistent views on your videos there is money to be made here, in more than one way.
There are many examples of people who have made a million dollar business from YouTube in different categories. My fellow Swedish guy Pewdiepie is one example, he did it in the “gaming” niche but you can potentially do it in ANY niche.
Will you be as big as Pewdiepie? Well, probably not but you can start making money by using the YouTube platforms ad network or by getting sponsored posts. If you find the idea of creating videos tempting then you should absolutely go for it! It will be a fun way for you to make money online, either as a side-income or full-time biz depending on your ambition and efforts.
Different “YouTube helpers” you might want to check out:
==> Get help with ranking on Youtube
==> YouTube marketing training
#8: FB Ads
There are many skills that can make you money online. Simply by knowing some things that others will pay you for as a service, and Facebook ads is such a service. If you learn to do this good there will be companies standing in line to pay you for running their ads campaigns for them.
You could do that, or you could do your own things as well, using your knowledge to sell anything you want yourself on Facebook.
Whatever it is you do, FB ads is a great way for you to make money online.
==> FREE physical book about FB Ads
==> Start step-by-step course here
#9 Learn Google AdWords
Just like Facebook Ads, Google Ads are a skill that can make you a wealthy person. If you learn this good there is no need for you to ever have a “lack of money” anymore as you know how to make money online with your effective ads.
Just like everything else, this is not something that can happen “overnight”
You have to learn it, and I cannot think of any better place (or person more correct) to learn from than the Google Adwords master himself.
Am, of course, talking about Mr:
#10: e-Commerce and Dropshipping
This kind of business started to really explode some years ago and it is still among the most popular ways for complete beginners to start a business online and make money.
As with pretty much any opportunity online sky is the limit in the form of earning potential.
I once helped a friend to set up an e-commerce website for his business, and I was surprised when he told me that he had generated over $400,000 his first year with his e-commerce business (in the sneakers niche).
If you do this the right way, this kind of business can start to generate your income faster than you might think.
==> Start here (all the help you need)
Want to discover an extra “secret” and HOT bonus way to make money online?
Then chat with Alba below ;o)
Final words
Ok, this is just a few of MANY more ways to make money online, but these 10 ways are some of the best alternatives out there to start with I would say. If you have a desire then my absolute best advice is to start now, do not wait. Stay consistent and make sure to improve an inch or 2 every day. Those small inches WILL add up over time and after a longer period of time, you have done a HUGE improvement.
Nothing will happen overnight and without effort, so you have to keep that in mind. Making money online is not for lazy people and for those not prepared to put in the work.
However, the rewards are worth it so if you are lazy you might want to reconsider that and start to put in some consistent work…
If you are a complete beginner I would recommend that you check out affiliate marketing first, below is my absolute #1 recommended place where I started myself back in the day
Click here to read more about that place
I hope you found this article on The Top 10 Ways to Make Money Online helpful. If you have any questions about this then I would be more than happy to answer them below. Also, please share this with others if you want to be a good person and maybe help someone out that are looking for exactly any of the alternatives presented here.
I wish you success!
Founder of: $tart Make $top Waste