I have come across promotions for Power Lead System many times and it is about time, I make a review. What is Power Lead System? Is it a scam or as good as it claims to be? These are the main questions this short review will focus on. Ok, here we go!
Product: Power Lead System
Website: www.powerlead-system.com
Owner: Rob Fore
Price: $30/monthly; $23.95 additional for affiliates
Who is it for: MLM enthusiast
What is Power Lead System about?
Power Lead System is an online lead generating system created by the online marketer Rob Fore. It is a system that will provide you with “the most powerful marketing tools available” according to the site.
How Much Does Power Lead System Cost?
The program got a free trial (and that is something I like). If you later want to continue using it:
If you later want to continue using it: It will costs $30 per month + if you want to promote the program and make money that way you are going to have to pay an extra $23.95 per month.
So a total of $53.95 a month for the whole system.
How Does Power Lead System Work?
The Power Lead System will provide you with training and tools (most of it will be focused on generating leads).
You will get training and tools in these areas:
- How to create videos
- Implemented Autoresponders
- Capture Pages
- Training On How To Start Power Lead System Google Hangouts
Sounds like you will have an advantage if you are an extrovert doing this. If you are an introvert it might be some good training in becoming extrovert 🙂
Making Money With Power Lead System?
Well, it comes out as a program that will help your existing business to make more money (by making more leads) but for making money selling the Power Lead System itself it works like this:
Every other person you recruit will earn you $20. So if you recruit 4 persons, for example, you will make $40, if you recruit 40 persons you will make $400. If the ones you recruit becomes paying customers of course.
Who gets the money for the other recruits?? The sponsor get´s that money, that makes Power Lead System an MLM (pyramid scheme) business.
Important to mention: If you want to know a great way to generate alot of leads for FREE then sign up to this e-mail list below:
Is Power Lead System A Scam?
So, is Power Lead System a scam? Hmm, to be honest, I would almost like to call any MLM (pyramid scheme) program a scam even if they involve some affiliate marketing into the mix.
I would say it might have some value if you are into the “lead generating” aspects of online marketing but if you are a beginner you should stay away from this program as it won´t do you any good.
Because let´s face it, the only ones who will make any significant amounts of money in the “MLM pyramid structure” are the owners and the ones who joined first and have placed them selfs at the top of the pyramid.
There are much better (and cheaper) legit programs out there, that also DO NOT involve you in MLM in any way. Click here for the review of the best one.
Why You Should/Should Not Buy Power Lead System
I actually don´t see any reason why you should start with this program, even if you are into “lead generating stuff” there are other options for you. Even if Power Lead System claims to have “super tools and training” that nobody else is offering.
That is simply not true.
The biggest reason, however, why you shouldn´t join Power Lead System is that it is an MLM business. It has a lot of similarities with the EmpowerNetwork program for example.
It is an MLM (pyramid scheme) business in other words, simple as that.
Sure it involves some affiliate marketing as well, but there is a huge difference between affiliate marketing and MLM (multi-level marketing). If you aren´t aware of the difference you can read what separates them here.
Another thing I don´t like and makes my “scam alert” go off is when a product is starting to show pictures of videos of houses/cars/money, etc, to lure you in.
They are simply selling a dream, not so much the product but rather a dream of riches, that is marketing tactic used by a good marketer but I can tell you one thing I know about marketing. If you got a good product you don´t need to market, it will sell by itself.
**Click here to read the review on a GREAT program that not shows you any HYPE
Final Words And Verdict
Verdict: Legit (but not recommended)
Overall rating: 4/10
Ok, I want to call it a scam but for now, I have to call it legit. It is possible I change this to scam later, but for now legit it is.
There are some scam signs but also some legit ones, however, the rating is not going to be higher than 4/10 simply because it doesn´t offer anything unique (like it claims to do). This rating might also be changed later, either to a higher one, or a lower one.
I never recommend you to get involved in MLM and I am not going to do it today either.
Maybe if you are an MLM enthusiast it can be something for you, but if not it is definitely a bad choice. If you are a beginner it won´t do you ANY good at all.
So what should you do instead if you want to make money online?
No Hype And No MLM Options
I have seen a lot of “opportunities” online and I can tell you that the real ones are hard to find. It is totally flooded with scams online. However, there are real and legit programs out there, I have a few of them listed on this site. The absolute best one is Wealthy Affiliate and that is something I know works. You will get more stuff for free there than most places will charge you money for. If making money online is what you want it is a must try. Just keep in mind that it will take both some time and effort before it will happen. Do not give up and you will get there! Click the link below to read what is offered there.
Review Of The Best Program Available!
I hope you found this review of Power Lead System to be helpful and now you should have a better understanding of what it is. If you have tried it please share your experience with us. Also, if you got any questions about this review I will be more than happy to answer them.
I wish you success!
Thank you for reading.
Owner of: StartMakeStopWaste.com
Hi John
Thank you for exposing yet another MLM online business as the pyramid scheme that it obviously is. The fact that you can only earn money promoting this company by paying an extra $23 per month is just greed on the owner/founder’s part.
Pyramid schemes are illegal at least in the U.S. and Canada, but unfortunately as they still remain in such large numbers the Feds can’t go after every single one of them and shut them down.
Regarding the training provided by this program in teaching a person how to market an online business what an absolute joke. I did not see anything mentioned about providing instruction on keyword research, SEO, social media marketing and finally anything on how to create relevant content to target potential customers interested in a particular niche.
As far as I’m concerned this company is not even in the area code with Wealthy Affiliate and I’m glad you had an advertisement placed on the post to promote what IS a legit company.
You graded this program as a 4 on a scale of 10. In my book very accurate and to be honest a bogus program that any wise person would want to avoid at all costs.
Thank you for the great article, John!
Wow, I couldn´t have said it better than you just did! Thank you Jeff! 🙂 Best regards /John
Hi John
I have followed your blog for a while now and trust what you have to say. It definitely sounds like you are NOT all cards in for this business opportunity.
I too, will not be joining them soon. When you mentioned that Power Lead advertises that luxury mansion or car, it tells me one thing- its only about recruiting people.
I have tried the MLM route and found the products expensive and the harder task was to get people to join the down line.
Thanks once again for all the help